1830 Young map
1830-1988 overlay maps
Street index
Surviving 1830 buildings
UVM Historic Preservation Program
What buildings still stand from 1830
in Burlington, Vermont?
166 Battery Street, Dr. John Pomeroy House, 1796
196 Battery Street, Musicant Building, possibly before 1830
209 Battery Street, Stone Store, north half dates from 1827-28, south half and roof date from 1841
111-113 Church Street, Abraham's Building, circa 1830, with 1933 and 1946 metal facade coverings
189 Church Street, Mills House-Wilson Hotel, circa 1815
72 Church Street, Harrington House-Converse Home, circa 1799, with later additions
12 Colchester Avenue, Col. Stephen Pearl House, 1789, major alterations circa 1880
35 King Street, Gideon King House
43-45 King Street, Capt. White Place, circa 1815
64 King Street, before 1830
135-145 Main Street, American Hotel wing, 1824
411 Main Street, Grasse Mount, 1804
489 Main Street, Medical College-Pomeroy Hall, 1828, top floor and tower added 1858
590 Main Street, Catlin-Johnson House, 1806, moved from corner of University Place in 1907
30-32 North Champlain Street, associated with the Champlain Glass Company, before 1829
60 North Prospect, possibly before 1830, much altered
71 North Winooski Avenue, possibly before 1830
58-60 Park Street, Smith House, probably before 1830, with later alterations and additions
152 Pearl Street, Unitarian Church, 1816
215 Pearl Street, parts may date to before 1830, but much altered
220 Pearl Street, Henry Whitney House, circa 1824
233 Pearl Street, 1814
247 Pearl Street, Bailey-Hyde House, circa 1820
262 Pearl Street, Oziah Buell House, circa 1812
303 Pearl Street, Buell-Hungerford House, 1818
308 Pearl Street, Deming-Isham House, 1817
327 Pearl Street, Marsh-Hills House, circa 1815, altered 1880s
342 Pearl Street, Horace Loomis House-Klifa Club,1800
404 Pearl Street, Seymour House, circa1826, later additions
415 Pearl Street, circa 1815
416 Pearl Street, Moore-Woodbury House, circa 1815, later 19th century alterations
202-204 Pine Street, brick part may date from before 1830
111-113 St. Paul Street, Englesby Store/Burlington Steam Laundry, parts remain from circa 1820, top floor and facade date from around 1870
281 St. Paul Street, Seth Morse House, before 1830
184 South Champlain Street, before 1830
31 South Prospect Street, 1809
41 South Prospect Street, before 1812, altered in the 1890s
151 South Prospect Street, 1809
262 South Prospect Street, rear part may date from between 1819 and 1828
163 South Willard Street, Potwin-Winterbotham Estate, before 1830
70-72 South Winooski Avenue, probably before 1830
94 University Place, Old Mill Building, parts of the east brick wall remain from 1825-1829, major renovations1882 and 1995
A research project of the
University of Vermont Historic Preservation Program
in cooperation with UVM Library Special Collections