Gene Desideraggio
Organization: Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative (FEMC)
Affiliations: Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative, (FEMC)
Contact Information
E-mail: gdesider@uvm.edu
Gene O. is from Connecticut and moved to Vermont to major in Forestry and minor in Geology at the University of Vermont to learn more about the natural world and ecosystem sciences. He had his first field job working for FEMC as a forest health monitoring intern in the Summer of 2018, since then he has graduated and stuck around Vermont helping FEMC with various projects and exploring the beautiful landscapes of Vermont.
List of Projects
Project | Role | Start | End |
Vermont Forest Health Monitoring | Student | 1991-06-01 | 2021-12-31 |
Quantifying the Economic Impacts of Invasive Forest Pests and Diseases in Urban Areas | Participant | 2020-02-25 | 2020-02-26 |
Name | Date | Authors | Type |
Threats to the Urban Forest: The potential economic impacts of invasive forest pests and diseases in the Northeast | 2020 | Alexandra Kosiba, James Duncan, Emma Tait, Clarke Cooper, Gene Desideraggio, Alyx Belisle | Report |
Gene O | 2020 | Gene Desideraggio | Document |