Joshua Faulkner

Research Associate Professor

Director, Agricultural and Environmental Testing Lab

Director, UVM Extension Center for Sustainable Agriculture



Pronunciation JOSH-oo-ah FAWK-nur
Pronouns He/him
Alma mater(s)
  • PhD, Biological and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University
  • MS, Biological and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University
  • BS, Biological Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech
Affiliated Department(s)

Extension, Plant and Soil Science, Civil and Environmental Engineering


Faulkner does applied research and outreach on soil, water, and nutrient related issues across Vermont and the Northeastern US.  His experience lies in agricultural hydrology and the processes by which agricultural systems impact water quality and the surrounding environment.  Joshua works with governmental and non-governmental organizations to improve agricultural programs and educate stakeholders, and provides technical assistance and outreach to farmers on practices and innovative solutions to improve management and build resilient, sustainable farming systems.  A changing climate, and its effect on agriculture and resulting water quality, is a key theme in much of his work. Joshua's work spans from the plot scale up to the watershed scale, and has included projects in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and West Africa.  


PSS 269 Soil and Water Pollution and Bioremediation

 PSS 385 Hydrology Principles and Practice

Awards and Achievements

  • 2011 Outstanding Recent Alumnus, Biological Systems Engineering Department, Virginia Tech

Area(s) of expertise

Climate change impacts and adaptation in Northeastern agricultural systems; Treatment of agricultural wastewater and best management practices for control of nonpoint source pollution; Field scale hydrology and water management in agricultural landscapes; Fate and transport of nutrients in soil and water.


Faulkner does applied research and outreach on soil, water, and nutrient related issues across Vermont and the Northeastern US.  His experience lies in agricultural hydrology and the processes by which agricultural systems impact water quality and the surrounding environment.  Joshua works with governmental and non-governmental organizations to improve agricultural programs and educate stakeholders, and provides technical assistance and outreach to farmers on practices and innovative solutions to improve management and build resilient, sustainable farming systems.  A changing climate, and its effect on agriculture and resulting water quality, is a key theme in much of his work. Joshua's work spans from the plot scale up to the watershed scale, and has included projects in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and West Africa.  


PSS 269 Soil and Water Pollution and Bioremediation

 PSS 385 Hydrology Principles and Practice

Awards and Achievements

  • 2011 Outstanding Recent Alumnus, Biological Systems Engineering Department, Virginia Tech

Areas of Expertise

Climate change impacts and adaptation in Northeastern agricultural systems; Treatment of agricultural wastewater and best management practices for control of nonpoint source pollution; Field scale hydrology and water management in agricultural landscapes; Fate and transport of nutrients in soil and water.