GAPS Two-Page Summary

Added by Vern Grubinger • Last updated April 24, 2019
Author: Vern Grubinger
Type: Fact Sheets
Topic: Produce Safety Introduction, Worker Health, Hygiene & Training, Soil Amendments (Compost & Manure), Wild/Domestic Animals & Land Use, Agricultural Water (Pre/Post Harvest), Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation, Produce Safety Rules, Regulations & Templates, Diversified Farms: Processing, Aggregation, Livestock Integration

This is an overview of the USDA GAPs requirements.



Community Accreditation for Produce Safety (CAPS)
Added by Hans Estrin • Last updated October 24, 2022
Author: Hans Estrin
Type: Planning & Verification Programs – CAPS & GAPS
Topic: Produce Safety Introduction; Worker Health, Hygiene & Training; Soil Amendments (Compost & Manure); Wild/Domestic Animals & Land Use; Agricultural Water (Pre/Post Harvest); Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation; Produce Safety Rules, Regulations & Templates; Diversified Farms: Processing, Aggregation, Livestock Integration
Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training Manual
Added by Hans Estrin • Last updated July 3, 2024
Author: Produce Safety Alliance
Type: Produce Safety Rule – FSMA compliance; Planning & Verification Programs – CAPS & GAPS; People & Services
Topic: Produce Safety Introduction; Worker Health, Hygiene & Training; Soil Amendments (Compost & Manure); Wild/Domestic Animals & Land Use; Agricultural Water (Pre/Post Harvest); Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation; Produce Safety Rules, Regulations & Templates; Diversified Farms: Processing, Aggregation, Livestock Integration