Welcome to the University of Vermont Produce Safety Portal
This is a customizable web-portal for produce growers and other produce industry members to access and organize their produce safety world.
From here, users:
- search several different types of produce safety resource, including photos, case studies, and model procedures;
- create accounts, and customize personal “one-stop” dashboards;
- contribute content, ask questions, and stay in touch.
For details about the Portal, please visit the about page.
Questions about searching, creating an account, or submitting your resource? Email the Produce Safety team at hans.estrin@uvm.edu or call 802-257-7967, or give us feedback here.
Start Your Search
There are currently 60 resources published in the portal.
Recent Updates
Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training Manual

This is the Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training Manual, which is available for public use. The date after the tab name indicates the upload date. As revisions are made the dates will be updated to reflect a revised upload.
Small-Scale Postharvest Handling Practices: A Manual for Horticultural Crops (4th Edition)

This manual covers harvest and preparation for market, curing root/tuber/bulb crops, packing house operations, packing and packaging materials, decay and insect control, temperature and relative humidity control, and more. The introduction to the manual starts: "The three main objectives of applying postharvest technology to harvested fruits and vegetables are: to maintain quality (...