Tiffany Hutchins, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Interprofessional Health Sciences Program Director

Tiffany Hutchins
Alma mater(s)
  • Ph.D., Interdisciplinary Program in Experimental Psychology in Cognitive Neuroscience and Communication Sciences and Disorders; University of South Florida
  • M.A., Experimental Psychology (developmental); University of Vermont
  • B.A., Psychology; San Diego State University


Dr. Hutchins has researched the relationships from mother-child interaction strategies to social cognition and child cognitive and language development. She has developed and validated new measures of theory of mind ( that can be used in research and practice. She has investigated the social validity and efficacy of story-based interventions to promote social learning. Most recently, Dr. Hutchins has conducted translational research in autobiographical, episodic, and semantic memory. The primary focus of her Social Cognition lab is to develop and evaluate assessments and treatments to support memory and social connection in children and adults with developmental disabilities. Dr. Hutchins teaches courses in the development of spoken language, cognition and language, measurement in communication sciences, and language disorders.


  • Language Disorders
  • Measurement of Communication Processes
  • Cognition and Language
  • The Development of Spoken Language

Awards and Achievements

  • Dean’s Research Award (2016). In honor of excellence in research. Presented by the College of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of Vermont.
  • CICSD Editor’s Award (2014). Contemporary Issues in Communication Science and Disorders. For article by *Foran-Lewandowski, Hutchins, Prelock, and Murray-Close entitled “Examining the Benefit of Including a Sibling in Story-Based Interventions with a Child with Asperger Syndrome”. Presented by NSSLHA, Nov. 21, 2014.
  • Nominee (2013). Kroepsch-Maurice Excellence in Teaching Award.
  • Student Appreciation Award (2006). In honor of excellence in teaching and mentorship. Awarded by Undergraduate Student Committee, University of Vermont.

Area(s) of expertise

Parent/child interaction strategies; assessment and treatment of autobiographical memory and social cognition in autism, deafness, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and childhood trauma


Dr. Hutchins has researched the relationships from mother-child interaction strategies to social cognition and child cognitive and language development. She has developed and validated new measures of theory of mind ( that can be used in research and practice. She has investigated the social validity and efficacy of story-based interventions to promote social learning. Most recently, Dr. Hutchins has conducted translational research in autobiographical, episodic, and semantic memory. The primary focus of her Social Cognition lab is to develop and evaluate assessments and treatments to support memory and social connection in children and adults with developmental disabilities. Dr. Hutchins teaches courses in the development of spoken language, cognition and language, measurement in communication sciences, and language disorders.


  • Language Disorders
  • Measurement of Communication Processes
  • Cognition and Language
  • The Development of Spoken Language

Awards and Achievements

  • Dean’s Research Award (2016). In honor of excellence in research. Presented by the College of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of Vermont.
  • CICSD Editor’s Award (2014). Contemporary Issues in Communication Science and Disorders. For article by *Foran-Lewandowski, Hutchins, Prelock, and Murray-Close entitled “Examining the Benefit of Including a Sibling in Story-Based Interventions with a Child with Asperger Syndrome”. Presented by NSSLHA, Nov. 21, 2014.
  • Nominee (2013). Kroepsch-Maurice Excellence in Teaching Award.
  • Student Appreciation Award (2006). In honor of excellence in teaching and mentorship. Awarded by Undergraduate Student Committee, University of Vermont.

Areas of Expertise

Parent/child interaction strategies; assessment and treatment of autobiographical memory and social cognition in autism, deafness, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and childhood trauma



  • Hutchins, T. L., Brien, A., & Prelock, P. A. (2022). Supporting social learning in autism: An autobiographical memory program for promoting connection and communication. Brookes Publishing.

Selected Publications

  • Hutchins, T. (2022). A review of the nature and development of lying and deception and considerations for teaching prosocial deception to autistic persons. Seminars in Speech and Language Pathology.
  • Hutchins, T. (2022). A review of the nature and development of humor and considerations for teaching humor appreciation to autistic persons. Seminars in Speech and Language Pathology.
  • Brien, A., & Hutchins, T. (2022). Development of a manualized intervention to support episodic memory in autistic children: Elaborative reminiscing is key. Seminars in Speech and Language Pathology.
  • Hutchins, T. L., & Sedeyn, C. (2021). Visual attention to photographs and cartoon stimuli in Social Stories™: A comparison of typically developing children and children with ASD. Education & Teaching in Autism and Developmental Disabilities.
  • Wingood, M., Gell, N., Peters, D., & Hutchins, T. (2021). The Inventory of Physical Activity Barriers (IPAB) for community-dwelling adults 50 years and older: Development and preliminary validation. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy.
  • Hutchins, T. L., Lewis, L., Prelock, P., & Brien, A. (2020). The development and preliminary psychometric evaluation of the Theory of Mind Inventory: Self Report-Adult. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
  • Brien, A., Hutchins, T., & Westby, C. (2020). Autobiographical memory and its links to social communication in ASD, ADHD, hearing loss, and trauma. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools.
  • Crehan, E., Altoff, R., Prelock, P., Riehl, H., & Hutchins, T. (2020). Brief Report: Me, reporting on myself: Preliminary evaluation of the Theory of Mind Inventory when completed by autistic adults. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
  • Hutchins, T. L., & Prelock, P. (2018). Using story-based interventions to support episodic memory in autism spectrum disorder. Seminars in Speech and Language, 39(2), 125-143.
  • Hutchins, T, L., Allen, L., & *Schefer, M. (2017). Using the Theory of Mind Inventory to detect a broad range of ToM challenges in children with hearing loss. Deafness and Education International. Available at:
  • Hutchins, T. L., Deraway, C., Prelock, P., & O’Neill, A. (2017). Mothers’ and children’s story-telling: A study of dyads with typically developing children and children with ASD. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 47(5), 1288-1304.
  • Hutchins, T. L., & Brien, A. (2016). Conversational topic moderates visual attention in autism spectrum disorder: Talking about emotions is like driving in a snowstorm. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 26, 99-110.
  • Hutchins, T., Prelock, P. A., Morris, H., Benner, J., Lavigne, T., & Hoza, B. (2016). Explicit and applied theory of mind competence: A comparison of typically developing males, males with ASD, and males with ADHD. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 21, 94-108.
  • Hutchins, T.L., & Prelock, P. A. (2015). Beyond the theory of mind hypothesis: Using a causal model to understand the nature and treatment of multiple deficits in autism spectrum disorder. Handbook of Communication Sciences and Disorders.
  • Hutchins, T., & Prelock, P. (2014). Using communication to reduce challenging behaviors in individuals with autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America.
  • Hutchins, T., & Prelock, P. (2013). The social validity of Social StoriesTM for supporting the behavioural and communicative functioning of children with autism spectrum disorder. International Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing.
  • Hutchins, T., & Prelock, P. (2013). Parents' perceptions of their children's social behaviors: The social validity of Social StoriesTM and comic strip conversations. Journal of Positive Behavioral Interventions.
  • Hutchins, T. L. (2012). Social StoriesTM. In P. A. Prelock & R. J. McCauley (Eds.). Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Evidence-Based Intervention Strategies for Communication and Social Interaction. Brookes.
  • Hutchins, T. L. (Jan, 2012). Putting Social Stories to work: What does the research say about how best to use social stories to help children with ASDs? The ASHA Leader.
  • Vivian, L., Hutchins, T., & Prelock, P. (2012). A family-centered approach for training parents to use Comic Strip Conversations with their child with autism. Contemporary Issues in Communication Sciences & Disorders, 39, 30-42.
  • Hutchins, T. L., Prelock, P. A. & Bonazinga, L. (2012). The psychometric evaluation of the Theory of Mind Inventory (ToMI): A study of typically developing children and individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities.
  • Hutchins, T. L., Graves, K. W., & Mulligan, M. (2011). Dysphagia management in schools: A survey of school-based speech-language pathologists in Vermont. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 42(2), 196-206. (Abstract)
  • Lerner, M., Hutchins, T. L., & Prelock, P. A. (2011). Brief report: Preliminary psychometric evaluation of the ToMI and its relations to social skills. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 41, 512-517.
  • Hutchins, T. L., Bond, L. A., Silliman, E. R., & Bryant, J. (2009). Maternal epistemologies and variations in mental state talk. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 53, 61-80. (Abstract)
  • Hutchins, T. L., & Prelock, P. A. (2008). Supporting theory of mind development: Considerations and recommendations for professionals providing services to individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Topics in Language Disorders, 28 (4), 340 - 364.
  • Prelock, P. A., & Hutchins, T. L. (2008). The role of family-centered care in research: Supporting the social communication of children with ASD. Topics in Language Disorders, 28 (4), 323-339.
  • Hutchins, T.L., & Prelock, P.A.(2006). Using social stories and comic strip conversations to promote socially valid outcomes for children with austim. Seminars in Speech and Language, 27(1)47-59. (Abstract)
  • Hutchins, T. L., Brannick, M., Bryant, J., & Silliman, E. R. (2005). Methods for controlling amount of talk: Difficulties, considerations, and recommendations. First Language, 25(3), 347-363.

Grants and Scholarship Activities

  • Hutchins, T. L. Principal Investigator. Social stories versus comic strip conversations for enhancing the social cognition of individuals with autism spectrum disorder. College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Incentive grant, September, 2010. $15,000. Co-investigator: Patricia A. Prelock