Cattle Heat Stress Forecast

Added by Devon Johnson • Last updated November 21, 2019
Author: USDA Agricultural Research Service
Type: Fact sheets
Topic: Forecasts for the Northeast

This USDA website provides forecasts for heat stress on cattle to inform livestock managers on when preventative action should be taken to protect their animals.


The Fourth National Climate Assessment
Added by Rachel Schattman • Last updated November 21, 2019
Author: U.S. Global Change Research Program
Type: Scientific summaries; Fact sheets
Topic: Drought; Forecasts for the Northeast; Precipitation
The Fourth National Climate Assessment
Added by Devon Johnson • Last updated November 21, 2019
Author: U.S. Global Change Research Program
Type: Scientific summaries; Fact sheets
Topic: Drought; Forecasts for the Northeast; Precipitation
Average Daily Minimum Winter Temperature
Added by Devon Johnson • Last updated November 21, 2019
Author: NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
Type: Tools or calculators
Topic: Forecasts for the Northeast