Average Daily Minimum Winter Temperature

Added by Devon Johnson • Last updated November 21, 2019
Author: NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
Type: Tools or calculators
Topic: Forecasts for the Northeast

Visualization of average daily minimum winter temperature and comparisons between historical record (1961-1990) and the projected future (2020-2090) under either high or low.emissions scenarios


The Fourth National Climate Assessment
Added by Rachel Schattman • Last updated November 21, 2019
Author: U.S. Global Change Research Program
Type: Scientific summaries; Fact sheets
Topic: Drought; Forecasts for the Northeast; Precipitation
The Fourth National Climate Assessment
Added by Devon Johnson • Last updated November 21, 2019
Author: U.S. Global Change Research Program
Type: Scientific summaries; Fact sheets
Topic: Drought; Forecasts for the Northeast; Precipitation
Emerald Ash Borer Tracking
Added by Devon Johnson • Last updated November 21, 2019
Author: Cornell Northeast Regional Climate Center
Type: Fact sheets
Topic: Changing pest and disease pressure; Forecasts for the Northeast