The Vermont I-Team provides technical assistance for teams working with students who range in age from 3 to 22. We also provide training to school district personnel, family members, community service providers and general community members on a variety of topics related to the education of students with intensive special education needs. Depending on the need, training can be delivered on-site, district-wide, regionally, or statewide.

Our Services

The Vermont I-Team provides technical assistance for students aged 3-22 who meet the following criteria:

  • Have an IEP
  • Learn at a significantly slower rate than their peers
  • Do not maintain learned skills
  • Experience difficulty generalizing skills
  • Are often nonverbal
  • Are challenged in learning both academic and daily living skills

Please note: For children under the age of 3, please view our I-Team Early Intervention Project.

For more information about the Vermont I-Team, please review our Quick Facts about the I-Team fro Families and Guardians (PDF)

Technical Assistance

The I-Team provides technical assistance to teams of students with intensive needs. The student’s case manager must complete a request for technical assistance form each year. The form must also be signed by Local Education Agent (LEA) and by the student's parent/guardian before services can be initiated. The team and I-Team personnel select the level of technical assistance.

Training and Professional Development

I-Team personnel provide training to school district personnel and families on a range of topics related to the education of students with intensive educational needs. Training of school staff, families, and community members or community service providers can be arranged in a variety of formats and on a wide range of topics related to the education of students with intensive special education needs.

Training Topics

Training topics include:

General information on developmental disabilities such as:
Multiple disabilities
Cerebral palsy
Autism spectrum disorders
Cortical visual impairments

Intensive Special Education:
Systematic data-based instruction
Positive peer relationships
Functional behavioral assessment
Alternative and augmentative communication
Auditory, visual, and tactual supports
Evidence-based practices
Assessment practices
IEP development
Specific curricular issues including literacy, community living, self-help, mobility and pro-social skills
Transition planning
Related services decision making
Integrated services

Family-Centered Practices:
Family support/problem solving
Building positive relationships and friendships
Circle of courage
Circle of friends
Making Action Plans (MAPS)

Behavioral Supports

Accessing general education curriculum and instruction
Differentiated instruction
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Supportive classroom
Creative problem solving


How We Work

The I-Team serves the entire state of Vermont, with our main office located at the University of Vermont's Center on Disability and Community Inclusion. Each of Vermont's five regions has its own educational consultant, who provides extensive skill and knowledge to IEP and school teams, and its own family resource consultant, who provides support to families through first-hand experience. Our related service personnel team is comprised of therapists and specialists to assist families and students statewide.

The Vermont I-Team is also proud to collaborate with the Vermont I-Team Early Intervention Project, Continence Project, and the Training and Resource for Interdisciplinary Professionals Serving Children and Youth (TRIPSCY) Project.