The Music Program works cooperatively with the College of Education and Social Services to offer a program in Music Education that leads to both a Bachelor of Science in Music Education degree and licensure for teaching music, grades Pre K-12. The UVM Music Education program maintains an active presence on-campus as well as within Vermont and the northeast. Music Education students learn the musical and pedagogical skill and knowledge needed in today's classrooms. Learn more about the hands-on experiences of students in the B.S. in Music Education.
Why teach music?
For many musicians, becoming a choral, instrumental, and/or general music teacher in a pre-school, elementary, middle, and/or high school setting is a very rewarding career path. If you love music and want to share your enthusiasm and expertise with students, music education is the career for you.
Admission to the program
All students interested in majoring in music must pass an entrance audition on an instrument or voice and be admitted to the university.
In addition, prospective music education students are encouraged to speak with the Music Education director, Andrea Maas (email), either on their audition day or over e-mail before joining the program.
What courses will I take?
In their first two years in the program, Music Education majors take Introduction to Music Education, as well as five specific techniques courses (Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion, Strings, and Voice) to prepare them for teaching technique and performance practice in these areas. Once these courses are completed, students move on to the three comprehensive pedagogy courses: General Music Methods, Vocal Music Methods, and Instrumental Music Methods. Each of these three course has an associated practicum that represents the students' first teaching experiences in a public school classroom. Music Education majors also take two semesters of conducting and music history, as well as four semesters of music theory. Other classes include General Education courses and education courses in the College of Education and Social Services, as well as private studio lessons, and performance ensembles.
Program Outcomes
Upon completion of the B.S. Music Education degree, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate advanced music education skills, knowledge, and understandings
- Demonstrate advanced skill on a single instrument or voice
- Describe and apply intermediate music theory knowledge and skills
- Describe and apply intermediate music history and literature knowledge
- Demonstrate intermediate proficiency on the piano
- After graduating, alumni demonstrate professional success in music education