General Biology
The General Biology concentration is our most flexible option, for students with wide-ranging interests across fields in biology. General Biology majors complete core courses for the first two years, and then work with their academic advisor to design a personalized set of advanced elective courses to match their interests. At the advanced level, Biol 4405 Comparative Physiology, brings together biological principles and experimental design principles from across the curriculum to understand living organisms from a holistic perspective. A senior capstone seminar allows students to apply their knowledge to pressing problems in a wide variety of fields.
Cell and Developmental Biology
For students with a strong interest in how biological molecules, cells, and multicellular systems develop and function, the concentration in Cellular and Developmental biology allows students to specialize in these topics beginning in the second year. A senior capstone seminar provides the opportunity to synthesize information and apply it to current challenges in Cellular and Developmental Biology.
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
For students whose interests lie in how organisms, populations, and communities interact with and respond to the natural environment, the concentration in Ecology and Evolutionary biology provides coursework and field experiences to form strong foundational knowledge in both concepts and quantitative skills. A senior capstone seminar allows students to synthesize information and apply it to current challenges in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.