Academic advising, with both professional advisors and faculty advisors, supports students to make meaning around their academic and co-curricular experiences and serves as a point of reference for student self-evaluation and future planning, including goal setting and career planning. Virginia Gordon (2006) describes career advising as a dynamic, interactive process that “helps students understand how their personal interests, abilities, and values might predict success in the academic and career fields they are considering and how to form their academic and career goals accordingly” (p.12). Advisors are uniquely positioned to assist students connect their academic and career experiences and goals, and can help link students to impactful experiential learning opportunities.

UVM Career Center Faculty and Staff Resources

UVM Career Center Advising Resources

UVM Career Center Teaching Resources

Earning Credit

Rubenstein Academic Deliverables

Faculty Sponsorship

As a faculty sponsor your main responsibility is to help determine and agree upon a "substantive project" with the student and then set the grading outline for this project - this can look like a tangential research project, a literature review of related materials based on a guiding question, a series of maps with narration, development of curriculum in a particular subject area, etc. This project is meant to be flexible, but also build off of the experience in an academic, focused, and more rigorous way than the required reflections alone. The RSENR experiential learning coordinator will grade the reflective and other academic work, but you as faculty sponsor will be submitting a grade for the substantive project, either through Brightspace directly or by submitting grade and comment for the RSENR experiential learning coordinator to input.

Suggested time involvement (besides grading) would be one meeting before the start of the semester to establish a guiding question/framework for the project and potentially one or two meetings during the semester for check ins, if needed.

Program Data

Past Internship and Research Placements by Major