Course Description
Take-home exams
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W.lit. 118 - Survey of 19th Century Russian Literature in Translation
A discussion course

Required works in the order we shall read them:

Pushkin Eugene Onegin, paper, Ardis/Penguin  0-97501-106-3
    (Walter Arndt translation - Ardis Publishers; 2nd ed.  ISBN: 0875011063)

Pushkin Tales of Belkin, paper, Penguin, ISBN: 0140446753

Lermontov Hero of Our Time, paper, Ardis ISBN 0-87501-049-0

Gogol Plays and Petersburg Tales, Oxford 0-19-282881-9

Gogol Dead Souls, paper, Random House ISBN 0679776443 (Pevear/Volokhonsky, translators)

Turgenev Fathers and Sons, paper, Norton ISBN 0-393-96752-2

Turgenev Sketches from a Hunter's Album, paper, Viking/Penguin ISBNO-14-044522-6

Dostoevsky Notes from Underground,  Vintage Books; ISBN: 067973452X (Pevear, Volokhonsky translation )

Dostoevsky Crime and Punishment, Knopf; ISBN: 067942029 0 (Pevear, Volokhonsky translation)

Tolstoy Death of Ivan Ilych & Other Stories, paper, Viking/Penguin, ISBN 0-14-044508-0

Chekhov Ward #6 & Other Stories, paper, Oxford Univ, ISBN 0-19-283733-8 

Recoomended to all with any writing questions - Alfred Rosa, Paul Eschholtz, THE WRITER'S POCKET
, Allyn and Bacon Publ.,  ISBN# 0-201-78478-5

Absence for Religious Holidays

Religious Holidays:  Students have the right to practice the religion of their choice. Each semester students should submit in writing to their instructors
by the end of the second full week of classes their documented religious holiday schedule for the semester. Faculty must permit students who miss work
for the purpose of religious observance to make up this work.