e-mail:  kenneth,nalibow

Take Home Exams
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World Literature 118
 Survey of 19th Century Russian Literature in Translation

Course Description

A discussion course, which examines the so-called Golden Age of Russian Literature.  In chronological order, we read the works of major 19th century literary figures.  Authors include: Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Chekhov.  The course focuses upon literary trends, archetypes and the milieu within which authors worked. There are two take-home hour exams and a take-home final.  Students who are active in class discussion may, with the agreement of the instructor, substitute the take-home final for an oral exam.

Course objectives

You will have a choice of written oran oraltake-home final .

Many people normally choose to write the take-home exam. Those who are very comfortable with discussion from classroom experience and who have earned an "A" on both written hour exams, may choose to set a time to take the final exam orally on a one-to-one basis with the instructor.  Especially those interested in graduate work can benefit from this format, since MA and Ph.D. comprehensive exams normally comprise both a written and an oral section.  Undergraduate work often limits the student's oportunity to experience a serious, intellectually based, oral exam. A basic difference between my oral exam and one for an advanced degree is that examiners for advanced degrees do not mind intimidating their candidates.  That is certainly NOT my goal in this format!