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Downloading Individual Files to Your Own Machine

All of the data files and copies of the R code for each chapter are available on my Web pages. You can download whatever you need from there whenever you need it. But perhaps you would like your own copies so that you don't have to go to the web for everything. There is a very easy way of downloading those files either to your hard drive or to a thumb drive, thus always having them available. In each case the files have been combined in a zipped file, which drastically saves downloading time. (They are also on my site in an unzipped form if you prefer or only want to get one file when you need it.

Once you have the zipped files, it is very easy to unzip all of the separate files and store them in a directory of your choice.

First of all I suggest creating a folder on your own machine. For an example, I will name it "Statistics-Stuff," but you can use any name you want. I'll assume that you like my choice.

First let's get your copy of the data files. Within my DataFiles folder is a file named You want that. So just click on the following link.

You will be asked if you want to open the file or save it. You want to save it, and you want to save it in the Statistics-Stuff folder. Next we'll get the files of R code for each chapter. Here you want to click on the following link.

and save that to the same Statistics-Stuff directory.

Now go to the Statistics-Stuff folder, where you will see the two zipped files. Double click on each one and you will have two additional directories (or folders), named DataFiles and RCode. They will contain the stuff you need. Now you can use either the data file that you need or the code for a specific chapter if you need that.

You can make things even simpler by setting a default directory. This is where R will look when you ask for a specific file. I have placed the Statistics-Stuff folder within my Supplements folder within fundamentals9. (I hope you have a somewhat simpler structure, but make the approriate changes in what I give you.) To set a default directory, go to R and type


(Alternatively, you can go to the "Session" menu with RStudio and select the default directory from there.) Now you can issue a command such as

data <- read.table("DataFiles/Tab3-1.dat", header = TRUE))
and it will go directly to the file you need. To open a specific example of code, just navigate to the RCode directory and click on what you want.

That's all there is to it.

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