Biennial Conference of the USSEE
The U.S. Society for Ecological Economics plans a national conference every two years (alternating with the International Society's Biennial Conference) highlighting the latest research and education initiatives in ecological economics, and bringing together an interdisciplinary group of academics and practioners to analyze society's most pressing social and environmental problems, and design the solutions for a sustainable future.
8th Biennial Conference
The U.S. and Canadian Societies for Ecological Economics will be holding a joint biennial conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, on October 1-4, 2015. The conference theme is "Pathways for Change: Towards a Just and Sustainable Economy". Stay tuned for details!
7th Biennial Conference
The 2013 conference of the USSEE was held at the University of Vermont in Burlington, Vermont on June 9-12 in conjunction with the 5th Annual Biophysical Economics Meeting. Hosted by the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics, the overarching conference theme was "Building Local, Scaling Global: Implementing Solutions for Sustainability". For details, please see the Conference Home Page.
6th Biennial Conference
The 2011 conference of the USSEE was held at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan, June 26-29, 2011. The conference theme was "Building a Green Economy" and the State of Michigan was chosen as a backdrop to the national discourse around the challenges in making the transition to an economy that is sustainable, equitable, and within the limits of critical ecosystems. For more information, visit the conference website at
5th Biennial Conference
The 2009 conference of the USSEE was held at American University in Washington, DC on June 1-3. The conference theme was "Science and Policy for a Sustainable Future", and included presentations by Paul Anastas, Dayna Baumeister, Herman Daly, Bill McKibben, and Pavan Sukhdev.
4th Biennial Conference
The 2007 conference of the USSEE was held at Pace University in New York City, June 23-27. The conference theme was "Creating Sustainability within Our Midst," and included presentations by David Orr, Robert Costanza, Mathis Wackernagel, Eban Goodstein, and Almaz Terrefe.
3rd Biennial Conference
The 2005 conference was organized by Earth Economics in Tacoma, Washington on June 20-23 and built around the theme "Forging Solutions: Applying Ecological Economics to Urgent Problems". The conference included keynote addresses by Mathis Wackernagel of the Global Footprint Network (and winner of the 2005 Herman Daly Award) and Atossa Soltani of Amazon Watch, as well as dozens of breakout sessions and workshops aimed at addressing current and actual economic and environmental problems. Workshops were designed to have attendees assist local NGOs in applying ecological economics to address pressing challenges, including watershed management, marine ecosystem assessment, legal and citizen action on toxics, and global trade and finance reform.
2nd Biennial Conference
The 2003 conference was co-organized by the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics of the University of Vermont, and the Department of Economics of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and held May 22-24 in Saratoga Springs, New York. Conference highlights included keynote addresses by James Howard Kunstler and Juliet Schor, 45 paper and poster sessions including over 140 presentations, and the awarding of the inaugural Herman Daly Award to David Batker of Earth Economics. A PDF of the full conference program is available here.
Inaugural Conference
Duluth, Minnesota
July 11-13, 2001