The publication is intended to increase access to the scholarship that was shared during the three-day conference, which was hosted by University of Vermont Extension in Burlington, Vermont, USA, on August 30 – September 1, 2022. It contains 26 peer-reviewed papers, which are grouped into nine topic areas: literature review, policy, ecosystem, entrepreneurship, success factors, customer experience, education of agritourism operators, case studies, and project/program documentation.
Published jointly by the National Extension Tourism Network and the Global Agritourism Network, with support from the Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development, the Proceedings was edited by:
- Lisa Chase, University of Vermont Extension and 2022 IWA Conference Chair
- Chadley Hollas, Cultivating Tourism
- Xinyi Qian, University of Minnesota Tourism Center
- Claire Whitehouse, University of Vermont Center for Rural Studies
The 2022 conference engaged more than 500 scholars and practitioners from 56 countries who are interested in supporting farm viability, agricultural literacy, and community vitality through agritourism. In addition to the Proceedings, another outcome of the event is the formation of the Global Agritourism Network, which was inspired by the shared scholarship that took place at the 2022 IWA and which officially launched through a virtual meeting on April 11, 2023. This network of agritourism stakeholders aims to enhance the capacity of agritourism worldwide.
Submission Criteria and Deadlines
- Based on the presentation that you gave at the 2022 International Workshop on Agritourism in Burlington, Vermont
- Submissions may include case studies, best practices guidance, research studies, and other formats. We welcome both traditional academic journal articles and articles derived from the first-hand experience of agritourism operators and other practitioners. We are happy to provide guidance to practitioners on transforming their presentation into a written submission for the conference proceedings. If you would like assistance, please email Todd Comen at
- Incorporate headings as appropriate for your presentation. For a research article, these may include: a) introduction/background, b) methods, c) findings, and d) discussion, including industry and/or community applications. For a non-research article, we recommend following the structure of your presentation. Please email Todd Comen at if you are a practitioner who would like guidance structuring a non-research article.
- Include a maximum of five keywords to describe the focus of agritourism research, outreach and practice.
- Length: 4 – 6 pages including references, tables, and figures
- Graphics should be provided as print quality (high resolution). Line art graphics or tables should be png files whereas a photographic image should be provided as a jpeg.
- These articles will accommodate the ability to embed supportive video housed in YouTube to create interactive features. Additionally, shared links to podcasts or other media can be added.
- Format: APA Style
- Additional formatting requirement: single-spaced, 1" margin, 12 pt font
Deadlines for Editing and Publishing the Proceedings
- Submissions were closed November 30, 2022
- Review feedback provided: January 31, 2023
- Revised submission to the Editorial Team through a google drive folder to be specified: March 10, 2023
- Anticipated publication: June 30, 2023