Accessibility at the Translating Identity Conference

We strive to be as inclusive and accessible as possible. Below is our low-scent policy, as well as accessibility information for the Davis Center, where TIC will be hosted.

Low-Scent Policy

Historically, TIC has held a no-scent policy in an effort to accommodate those in our community who have multiple chemical/fragrance sensitivities (MCS) who came forward with the request many years ago. A significant number of people have expressed their need for a low- or no-scent space so that they, too, can attend and engage with others at the conference without putting their health at risk. MCS is a serious medical condition that affects folks in many different ways. Given that our event is committed to being a part of ending all forms of oppression, we feel as though it is important to create a space for people with many different kinds of abilities to interact safely and fully. Everyday Feminism has a great piece on scent-free policies that outlines what multiple chemical/fragrance sensitivities are and why it is important to aim for low- or no-scent public spaces.

However, we recognize that a strict no-scent policy may negatively impact folks of color and folks with natural hair who require specific haircare products that are often strongly scented. Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha has a great blog post called “Fragrance free femme of colour genius” that outlines the challenge of the intersection of these two identities. She also offers a large and well-researched list of unscented or low-scent products specifically for black and brown folks, along with tips for low- or no-cost alternatives. In addition to providing a great list of products, Leah’s explanation of the relationship between temporarily able-bodied QTPOC and disabled QTPOC is particularly powerful.

Given that TIC is only a one-day event, a few simple and even no-cost options can make a big difference in accommodating folks with MCS. If at all possible, we hope that folks will:

  • refrain from using perfume, cologne, body spray, or aftershave for a few days leading up to the weekend
  • avoid using fabric softener and dryer sheets when washing the clothes they plan to wear that day
  • refrain from smoking that day (if applicable and if possible)
  • and, if possible financially, use low/no-scent lotion/hair products/other beauty products that day – for POC, that could include items from the list linked above

As a planning committee, we work to make sure there is only unscented soap available that day, that there are no air fresheners in use, and that all presenters use unscented markers during the conference, as these are sometimes the bigger issues for folks with MCS. We do not, however, expect attendees to purchase a whole new set of personal care products if this is the only scent-free space they plan to be in. We simply hope that attendees will be mindful of their use of scented products and opt-out of unnecessary or overly scented options that day, and we recognize the differential impact that this might have on people of color with natural hair.

Entering, Exiting, and Navigating the Davis Center

  • Entryways: main entrances on each floor are equipped with punch pad automatic door openers. Main entrances include the north-facing Atrium entrance on the first floor, west-facing green roof entrance on the second floor and east-facing Oval entrance on the third floor.
  • Elevators: there are two centrally-located public elevators which access all four floors of the building. There is also an elevator at the tunnel exit on the opposite side of Main Street.
  • Service Animals are allowed to be in all University Buildings, including the residence halls.
  • Wheelchairs are available at the University Events — Davis Center Operations Office adjacent to the third floor information center on a first come, first served basis. Call (802) 656-1204 to reserve ahead.
  • Information Centers are located on the 1st and 3rd floors. Our desks are equipped with universally designed multi-level counters for wheelchair accessibility.
  • Areas of Refuge: in the event of an emergency where elevators cannot or should not be used, wait for assistance from fire and/or rescue personnel in designated Areas of Refuge (these areas are clearly labeled). There are two Areas of Refuge located on the fourth floor, the only floor without direct access to the ground level.

Audiovisual and Technical Services at the Davis Center

  • Assisted Listening Devices: are available for use in our ballroom spaces free of charge, and can be reserved by contacting the Davis Center Operations and Events Office at (802) 656-1204.
  • Closed Captioning: is available in either ballroom. Contact the Davis Center Operations and Events Office to request closed captioning.
  • ASL Interpretation Services: are available by contacting the UVM Student Accessibility Services office by telephone (802) 656-7753, video phone (802) 881-0137 or by sending an email to
  • Lifts, Ramps, and Staging: For events using risers or staging, a power wheelchair lift is available upon request (Davis Center Operations and Event Services: (802) 656-1204). Risers and staging are adjustable to heights of 8", 18", 20", or 24". The stage in Brennan's Pub is approximately 12" high and has a built in ramp for wheelchair access.

Restrooms at the Davis Center

In addition to accessible stalls in all public restrooms, there are gender neutral, single-person bathrooms on each floor. These bathrooms offer more privacy, and include a sink, toilet, and shower stall (on all floors except third). There is an additional private bathroom on the first floor between the WRUV 90.1 FM radio station and the Cynic newspaper offices. This restroom is slightly larger than the other private bathrooms, and is not equipped with a shower.

Accessible Parking at the Davis Center

Accessible parking is available: 6 spaces on the Davis Center Oval outside the third floor, and 5 spaces behind the second floor of the Davis Center, next to Morrill Hall.

Directions to the Davis Center


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