Mistinguette Smith’s passion is helping mission driven organizations demonstrate real-world outcomes. Drawing on her decades of community-driven innovation in the public and social sectors, she teaches experienced leaders how to create the conditions for system change, including how to use living in the ecotones of race, class, sexual orientation and gender identity as critical locations for twenty-first century leadership. Smith currently directs The Black/Land Project, a participatory action research project that gathers and analyses narratives about the relationship between black Americans, land and self-determination. Smith is a Senior Associate with the Interaction Institute for Social Change, where she offers consulting and training about facilitative leadership and democratic design. A graduate of Smith College, she holds the MPA from New York University, where she was the Rosen Fellow for Women in Public Service. Committed to scholarship as a public good, she was the Twink Frey Visiting Social Activist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, and her work appears in both academic and literary journals.
Mistinguette Smith
Public Scholar and Social Innovator