The Museum Remains Closed
Admission is free.
The museum welcomes groups and individuals of all ages.
Educational handout materials are available; you are welcome to print and use them for teaching puposes, or to enhance your own visit.
The Museum is not staffed; it is managed by Geology Department staff, but the List of Exhibits can serve as a self-guided tour.
The Museum is to the right through Delehanty’s front lobby. Lectures and labs may be in session, even during summer months, so thank you for being quiet in the lobby and hallways. Coats and backpacks may be left neatly on a bench in the lobby. It is imperative that teachers and chaperones closely supervise their students or guests.
Wheelchairs can enter the building by going to the far right of the Delehanty Building's front door to where the curb becomes level with the parking lot. The double front doors are not power-assist, therefore they need to be opened manually.
Please email the UVM Department of Geography and Geosciences to make group or individual reservations. Include school/group name and number of students/vistors. The Museum has many vistors, so coordinating schedules in advance can prevent any overlap of large groups.