As a J-1 exchange visitor, it is your responsibility to maintain your immigration status throughout the duration of your J program.  Learn more about maintaining your status by reading the information below.

Inform OIE about any changes to your J-1 program

An important part of maintaining your J-1 status is the accuracy of the information on your DS-2019, and the accuracy of the information the Office of International Education (OIE) entered into the Student Exchange and Visitor Information System (SEVIS) about your visit. Please notify our office if you learn that any of the below items about your J-1 program might be changed. OIE must be notified and approve in advance any such changes.

  • Your program objectives (what type of work/research you are doing);
  • Your program funding (how much you are being paid; what organizations are paying you);
  • Any breaks in program activity (due to a personal circumstance, elimination of funding, or other reason).

Immigration Documents

While you are in the US, you must maintain valid immigration documents.

  • Your passport should be valid for at least six months beyond the program end date on your DS-2019.
  • Your Form DS-2019 should have a program end date in the future.  (See information about grace periods below for an exception.)  If you need to extend your DS-2019, your department must request an extension through iStart at least one month before your DS-2019 expires.
  • Your I-94 should be marked “J-1” or “J-2” with “D/S.”  Check it each time you re-enter the US.
  • Your visa is also an immigration document and a valid visa is required for entry to the US.  However, it is not required to remain in the US.


J-1 exchange visitors and their dependents are required to have a minimum level of health insurance.  Learn more about J-1 Scholar Health Insurance Requirements.  US immigration law states that failure to maintain proper health insurance coverage will result in the termination of the J-1 exchange program. Proof of health insurance is required when you first check in with the OIE and if you request an extension of your DS-2019.


If you plan to travel outside the US, be sure to read the advice on Travel and Re-Entry to the US for Scholars. If you will be outside of the US for more than 30 days, contact the OIE before your travel. When you re-enter the US, your travel signature must be less than 12 months old.  If you need a new travel signature, set up an appointment at the OIE to have your DS-2019 signed before you depart.

Address Changes

J-1 scholars must report their home and work addresses to the OIE.

  • If you move to a new home, update the OIE with your new address within 10 days of moving by logging into iStart and completing the "J-1 Scholar Update" e-form under "Biographical Information."
  • Your work address is also called your "site of activity."  The site of activity for most J-1 scholars is the address of their sponsoring department. If for some reason you work at a site outside of your sponsoring department, you should notify the OIE so that we can add the additional site(s) of activity. For example, if you work at another department in addition to the one that sponsored you or if you work at an off-campus lab, you should report this information to the OIE by emailing

Ending Your J-1 Program

If you will end your J-1 program at UVM earlier than the program end date on your DS-2019, you must notify the OIE prior to your departure.  To notify the OIE that you are ending your program early, log into iStart and complete the "Report Departure from UVM" e-form under "J-1 Scholar and Visitor Services."

After the end date listed on your DS-2019 form, you and your dependents may remain in the United States for another 30 days in order to pack your belongings and perhaps do some site-seeing within the US.  You are not allowed to engage in any academic or employment activities during this time.  If you leave the US during this 30 day period, you will not be able to re-enter the US in J-1 status.

Still have questions about your J-1 status?  Contact the OIE at

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Web portal for online services for international students, scholars, faculty & staff.