Spanish Tutoring and La Tertulia - Spanish Conversation Hour

Spanish Tutoring and La Tertulia - Spanish Conversation Hour

Tertulia (Conversation Hour): TBD, 514 Waterman

Tutoring: TBD, 514 Waterman

Location: Waterman 514

La Tertulia is back! Stop by Waterman 514 for a casual place to practice your Spanish conversation skills. If youʼre having trouble in class, you can show up beforehand (or make an appointment on Teams) for tutoring from our Spanish Program Student Ambassador.



Past Events

A Talk by Philip R. Lee Postdoctoral Fellow Sophie Morse

Tuesday April 2nd from 4:30 p.m.

Waterman 413

Violence against women (VAW) remains an urgent public health and human rights crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) because various adverse health and social consequences result from experiences of violence. In this talk, I will discuss prevention strategies and policy responses to VAW in the region and employ Mexico as a case study to examine how the health system can respond to violence. Mexico, where 43.9% of women over age 15 have reported experiencing violence in their current or past relationships, will be also used to explore some of the challenges countries face when addressing this problem.

Download the Poster (PDF)


In-person Lecture by Robert Zaretsky: “The Peste That Never Rests: Why Albert Camus’ The Plague Matters”

Thursday, April 14, 2022 from 4:30-6:00 p.m.

Waterman 413

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the publication of Albert Camus’s The Plague. In 2020, when we were slammed by Covid-19, there was a mad rush to acquire a copies of the novel. It was, after all, a novel that dealt with a city that, besieged by the bubonic plague, had no choice but to deal with the consequences.

And yet, Camus used the bubonic plague as an allegory to tell the story about a world confronting a different kind of plague: war and occupation. It is understandable, but ironic that there has not been the same interest in the novel since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It is also unfortunate, since the novel casts light on current events. Camus had been criticized, by Sartre, Beauvoir and Barthes among others, for failing to distinguish between bacilli and bombs. Surprised, Camus replied that the novel—along with everything he wrote until then—does make this distinction. But it is a distinction that does not alter the way one must respond to either one of these plagues.

Robert Zaretsky is a professor of history in the Honors College, University of Houston. His books include Albert Camus: Ele-ments of a Life (Cornell UP, 2010), A Life Worth Living: Albert Camus and the Quest for Meaning (Harvard UP, 2013), Boswell’s En-lightenment (Harvard UP, 2015), Catherine & Diderot: The Empress, The Philosopher and the Fate of the Enlightenment (Harvard UP, 2019), The Subversive Simone Veil: A Life in Five Ideas (U Chicago P, 2021), and Victories Never Last: Reading and Caregiving in a Time of Plague (U Chicago P, 2022).

Download the Poster  (PDF)


A Forum on Albert Camus

March 22, 2021 2-3:30 pm EST


HumaniTEAS Time Conversations with Scholars February 17th

Luis Vivianco and Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst spill the tea about humanities on Februray 17th at 12pm via Teams:


University Scholar Lecture - Prof. Joseph Acquisto

February 8, 4:30 PM

Prof. Joseph Acquisto, Professor of French and Department Chair

University Scholar Lecture “Living Well with Pessimism, Then and Now” (PDF)


The First Annual Hispanic Forum for Students

After a year of hiatus, the Hispanic Forum is back in a new, student-driven format! On Thursday, October 15th, and Friday, October 16th, join us in Microsoft Teams for a collection of talks by UVM Spanish students on "Science in the Hispanic World: From the Middle Ages to the Present." For more details and the link to Teams, please consult the brochure.


French Gathering Night

March 2nd
4:00pm - FREE
Waterman 455

It's time for the semesterly gathering of the French program! Stop by to speak with an advisor, chat with fellow majors and minors, and eat plenty of pizza!

Pizza with the Chair
Wednesday, November 1st
​11:30am - 1:00pm
Waterman 517

​All Romance Languages majors and minors are welcome to our semesterly Pizza with the Chair event! Feel free to stop by for some free food and an opportunity to chat with the man in charge.

A Conversation with Spanish Double Majors
November 19th
4:30pm - FREE
Waterman 400

A double major may seem intimidating, especially if you're learning a new language along the way. But the road to a double major in Spanish is shorter than you might think! Join us for a conversation with four students as they speak on their experiences double majoring, studying abroad, and more.

Rassegna di cinema italiano 2019
October 29th, November 4th, and November 11th
7:30pm - FREE
Waterman 427

Once again, the Department of Romance Languages has paired with the Italian Consulate in Boston to bring a selection of Italy's best contemporary films to UVM! Join us starting Monday, October 29th and continuing for the next two Mondays for screenings of La macchinazione (David Grieco, 2016), The Start-up: Accendi il tuo futuro (Alessandro D’Alatri, 2017), and Ci vuole un fisico (Alessandro Tamburini, 2018). All films will be shown with English subtitles.

French Advising Night
November 5th
5:30pm - FREE
Waterman 514

It's time for the semesterly gathering of the French program! Stop by to speak with an advisor, chat with fellow majors and minors, and eat plenty of pizza!

Spanish Advising Night
Wednesday, October 30th
5:00pm - FREE
Waterman 514

Attention all Spanish majors & minors! Feeling lost before signing up for classes? Curious about whether your minor could be a major? Get some help—come chat with your professors about the program and enjoy some free pizza!

A Seat on the Bus: Immigrant Rights and an Intersectional Vision of Change
Monday, October 28th
4:00pm - FREE
Frank Livak Room (Davis Center 417)

We were to welcome Prof. Irena Mata of Wellesley College to campus! Her talk, "A Seat on the Bus," situated the recent protest No Papers No Fear Ride for Justice at the center of an analysis informed by previous histories of resistance, including the Civil Rights Movement’s Freedom Riders, the Chicano community’s use of lowrider art and murals, and queer Latinx immigrant youth organizing. Reading the Ride through a historical lens allows us to identify the powerful organizing tool that art and performance provide our social movements and encourages us to consider the role the activist body plays in cultural transformations.

Sound, Society, and Sustainability: Impact of Whale Watching in Central America
Monday, October 21st
4:30pm - FREE
Waterman Memorial Lounge

Whale watching has become an important source of revenue for many coastal communities in Central America. Because the activity is primarily boat-based, a number of unintended factors are affecting the well-being of coastal whale populations in the region. In this talk, Dr. Laura Collado (UVM) shared her research and her experiences as a Costa Rican researcher interacting with  the communities of Manzanillo Gandoca. She focused on two aspects of her work: how tour-boat noise is changing animal health and the space in which animals communicate, and how to engage local communities in building a community-based plan to protect the whales and the health of coastal marine habitats.

El Norte - A 35th Anniversary Screening
Wednesday, October 17th
7:00pm - FREE
Waterman 427

Sigma Delta Pi (the Spanish Honors Society) presented a special 35th anniversary screening of El Norte! Telling the tale of two siblings as they flee their village in Guatemala and travel through Mexico to reach the United States, the film's message remains timely to the present day. Attendees also received free pizza!

Looks That Kill: The Scandal of Feminine Beauty in Marguerite de Navarre's Heptameron
Wednesday, October 9th
5:30pm - FREE
John Dewey Lounge (Old Mill 325)
Prof. Scott Francis of the University of Pennsylvania shed some light on the mores of Renaissance France with his exploration of Marguerite de Navarre's classic work Heptameron.
Immigration to Mexico: Who Gets In?
Friday, October 4th
12:00-1:00pm - FREE
John Dewey Lounge (Old Mill 325)

Prof. Rebecca Janzen from the University of South Carolina came to talk about immigration to Mexico. She discussed how and why the Mexican government welcomed two religious minorities – Mennonites and Mormons – in the late 19th and early 20th century. Then – using this historical context – she turned to a discussion of the current reality for immigrants and foreigners in Mexico within a context of violence associated with drug trafficking.

A Conversation with Meghan Kelley
Wednesday, September 25th
4:00pm - FREE
Waterman 413
We were pleased to welcome Spanish grad and local teacher Meghan Kelley back to UVM to speak on her experiences as an educator.
Italian Consular Visit
Thursday, April 25th
11:30pm - FREE
John Dewey Lounge (Old Mill 325)

We were honored to welcome Dr. Dr. Federica Sereni, the Consul General of Italy in Boston, and Prof. Adamo Castelnuovo, the Director of the Education Office, to UVM! Introduced by President Sullivan, they spoke and led the audience in a discussion on the state of Italian education in the United States.

Unrepresentable Violence: Making Kuña
Thursday, April 11th
4:30pm - FREE
Waterman 427

In Paraguay, women’s rights have become a focus of certain legislative and human rights efforts. However, failure of legal and societal systems result in a lack of protection for women suffering from intersectional forms of discrimination, which also extends to the normalization of child labor in the case of criadazgo, and to attitudes toward sex and sex work. Kuña is a documentary project in which the systems of gender oppression are explored, their connections analyzed, but most importantly, vibrant sites of resistance are upheld. Dr. Eva Romero will describe the creative process and how the goals of the documentary were transformed through feedback from research subjects. She will also address how having theorized issues of representation made representing gender violence challenging in specific ways, as she balanced these challenges with the desire to establish an emotional connection with the spectator.

Dark Networks and Pathogens Undermining Democracies: Guillermo del Toro’s and Chuck Hogan’s The Strain
Friday, March 29th
1:00pm - FREE
Waterman 413
A specialist on "the fantastic and otherworldly," the subject of Prof. Carmen Serrano's (SUNY Albany) talk here was no exception: the spread of transnational vampires in novel and TV series The Strain.
Border Pop: Chicano Printmaking in the NAFTA Era
Monday, February 25th
4:00pm - FREE
Lafayette L207
The Department of Romance Languages & Linguistics and the Critical Race & Ethnic Studies Program are proud to welcome Tatiana Reinoza to UVM. She is an art historian and independent curator who specializes in contemporary Latinx art. Her monograph on Latinx printmaking, from which she will share an excerpt, will be the first of its kind to document the Latinx graphic arts movement and its role in mediating identity discourses, its relationship to American art, and specifically its contributions to the U.S. collaborative press movement. Her work dwells on how these contemporary artists return to the materiality of the printed medium at a time that sees the rise of the digital, and likewise how their experiments respond to the territorial reorganization that accompanied the geopolitics of neoliberalism.  She is also at work on an edited anthology that commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of Self Help Graphics, the flagship Chicano graphic workshop based in East Los Angeles.
The Echo Chamber of Humanity: Cultural Heritage and Venice in the 21st Century
Tuesday, January 29th
6:00pm - FREE
Waterman 427

The Italian Program and the Vermont Italian Cultural Association were pleased to welcome Andrew John-Christopher Nucatola to UVM! A renowned stonemason and philosopher, he spoke on the state of Italian historic conservation in Venice.

Saving the Wor(l)d: Environmentalism in Italian Poetry -and- Factories of Ideas: Monologues of the Mad
Wednesday, October 24th
4:30pm - FREE
Memorial Lounge

Honoring his promotion to Full Professor, Antonello Borra will be delivering a lecture on contemporary Italian poetry and its impact on the environment. The lecture will be immediately followed by a reading Prof. Borra's new collection of poetry about the treatment of Italy's mentally ill.

Italian Genders and Queer Translation
Thursday, September 13th
5:00pm - FREE
John Dewey Lounge
Valeria Gennero is Associate Professor of American Literature at the University of Bergamo, where she also teaches Methodology and History of Literary Criticism. She is the author of four books: La manomissione del genere [The Manumission of Gender] (2015), La conquista dell'Est. Pearl S. Buck tra Stati Uniti e Cina [The Conquest of the East: Pearl S. Buck between the US and China] (2008), L’impero dei testi. Femminismo e teoria letteraria anglo-americana [The Empire of the Texts: Anglo-American Feminism and Literary Theory] (2002), and L’anatomia della notte. Djuna Barnes e Nightwood [Anatomy of the Night: Djuna Barnes and Nightwood] (2002). She has also published extensively in the fields of women’s writing and modernism, literary theory, contemporary literary and cinematic representations of queer subjectivity, feminist criticism and queer studies. All are welcome to her upcoming talk - more details can be found on the poster.
Yaaas, but No: Black Women's Sass as a Discourse Genre
Wednesday, April 11th, 2018
4:00 pm - FREE
Waterman 413
Dr. J Finley, Assistant Professor of American Studies at Middlebury College, will offer an overview of how black women's sass has come to be the primary lens through which their humor is understood. Drawing on archival research, oral history interviews, ethnographic fieldwork in comedy venues, and Dr. Finley's own experiences as an amateur comic, her goal is to chart a history of how the "sassy black woman" has emerged as a trope in pop culture media. More importantly, she examines how black women can use performance to both problematize, and produce alternatives to, traditional representations of race, class, gender, and sexuality in which they may not fit. 
The College of Arts & Sciences Medieval Studies Lecture Series - Castigating Comedy: Sardonic Laughter and the French Wars of Religion
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
5:30-6:30 pm - FREE
Waterman Memorial Lounge

Professor E. Bruce Hayes is Associate Professor of French and Chair of the Department of French and Italian at the University of Kansas. A world renowned specialist of farce in the late Middle-Ages and the Renaissance and François Rabelais, he is the author of Rabelais's Radical Farce. Late Medieval Comic Theater and Its Function in Rabelais (Ashgate, 2010). He is also the author of numerous articles and book chapters, and the co-editor of a Special Issue of Yale French Studies celebrating the scholarship of Edwin Duval. His presentation tonight is taken from his current book project, Castigating Comedy: Polemical Humor during and before the French Wars of Religion.

Collective Papers by ticon3 collective / collettivo ticon3

Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Art exhibit: 1:00-5:00 pm
Reception and meet the artists: 3:30-5:00 pm - FREE
Williams Hall, Third Floor (outside the Colburn Gallery)

Artists: Nora Ciottoli, Diana Danelli, and Elena Parati

The artists' collective ticon3 was formed in 2008, with the purpose of examining the concept of time in the flow and transformation of nature and the human body. The artists' gaze dwells on internal and external landscapes, and on the infinite variables of perception, representation, and memory. Sponsored by the Department of Romance Languages & Linguistics; Art & Art History; Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies; and European Studies. Questions? Contact Professor Cristina Mazzoni at

Traduttore Traditore (Translator Traitor): The Instrumentalism of Conventional Wisdom
Wednesday, March 28th, 2018
5:00 pm - FREE
Waterman Memorial Lounge
A talk by Professor Lawrence Venuti of Temple University on his work in the field of translation studies.
Daumier's Bluestockings
Wednesday, March 7th, 2018
12:00pm - FREE
​Fleming Museum
A talk by Prof. Gretchen van Slyke on Honore Daumier's satirical Bluestockings series and how they fit in the context of women’s lives in nineteenth-century France—the Napoleonic Code, women’s schooling, and the law forbidding women to appear in public in trousers.
Latin American Technopoetics: Scientific Explorations in New Media
Monday, March 5th, 2018
4:00 - 5:30 pm - FREE
​Waterman Memorial Lounge
A talk ​in Spanish​ by UNH Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies Scott Weintraub regarding his work in the field of avant-garde electronic poetry. The lecture will be followed by a brief Q&A session. Refreshments will be served.
History of the Irish Language Lecture
Thursday, February 22nd, 2018
​1:15 - Stafford 101
A lecture by Prof. Aidan Doyle, visiting from the University of Cork.
Summer Study Abroad Info Session: Southern France
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
4:00-5:00 p.m. - FREE
Waterman 457
Are you interested in studying abroad in France this summer? Join Professor Macias Aunave to find out more about improving your language skills in the Vercors region of southern France! For more information, check out the PDF icon program brochure or email Marielle Macias Aunave at

Spanish Minor Advising
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
6:00-8:00 p.m. - FREE
Davis Center 422 (Jost Foundation Room)
Are you minoring or thinking about minoring in Spanish? Are you interested in finding out how to deepen your knowledge of Spain and Latin America? Then this meeting is for you! Drop in anytime between 6-7 pm to chat with Professor Waldron over a slice of pizza.
Pizza with the Chair!
Wednesday, November 1st
​11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Waterman 517
​All Romance Languages & Linguistics majors and minors are welcome to our annual Pizza with the Chair event! Feel free to stop by for some free food and a chance to chat with the man in charge.
Pulp Culture Forum
Saturday, October 21, 2017
10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. - FREE
​Fleming Museum
An exhibition of the works of three Francophone cartoonists: Julie Delporte, François Vigneault, and Zviane. All three will also participate in a panel discussion, and their books will be available for sale.
El viaje más caro - Live Reading
Friday, October 20, 2017
7:00 pm - FREE
Fleming Museum Auditorium
As a part of the Pulp Culture Comic Arts Festival and Symposium at UVM this week, SPAN 111: Race, Identity and Migrant Labor students will be doing a live reading in Spanish of three comics from the El viaje más caro series.  This series was created as an ethnographic cartooning project that partners up Vermont Spanish-speaking migrant dairy farm workers with Vermont cartoonists.  The comics draw from the workers’ personal experiences on Vermont dairy farms.  Students will give introductions to each reading, connecting them to ideas of sustainability.  Issues of food sovereignty, community activism, community health, gender, race, globalization and environmental justice are brought forth.  There will be a student led panel discussion after the readings, open to questions from the audience.
John Elder: "Stay together,/learn the flowers,/go light": Reflections on Community and Sustainability
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
4:00-5:00 p.m. - FREE
Ira Allen Chapel
John Elder, environmental scholar, writer, literary critic, and Professor Emeritus of Middlebury College and the Bread Loaf School of English, will give a talk titled “’Stay together,/learn the flowers,/go light’: Reflections on Community and Sustainability.” Co-sponsored by UVM's Department of Romance Languages & Linguistics, Environmental Program, Honors College, and Steven Rubenstein Professorship for Environment and Natural Resources. This event is free and open to the public.
24th Annual Hispanic Forum: 525th Anniversary of the Hispanic Cultures in the Americas
October 13, 2017
Waterman Memorial Lounge - FREE
First Session:
10:00-10:40 a.m.: Keynote Speaker: Hugo Martínez Cazón, Environmental Engineer - "Ibero-Latinidad en los Montes Verdes: ¿importa ser latinoamericano en Vermont?"
10:45-11:15 a.m.: Carolina Rodríguez, Champlain Valley Union High School - "Recobrando la identidad enseñando
espanõl en Vermont."
11:15-11:30 a.m.: Joseph Acquisto, Department of Romance Languages & Linguistics - musical performance, "The Medieval Spanish 'Romance', 'El Conde Olinos' "
Second Session:
11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.: Alex Ackert-Smith, UVM student - "Poesía hispano-hebrea de al-Ándalus"
12:00 - 12:30 p.m.: Round Table: "The Future of Spanish in Vermont," moderated by Karen Turner, Colchester High School
12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.: Break
2:00 - 5:00 p.m.: "Pain, Pena, Snow" with the Ray Vega Latin Jazz Quintento; Poems by Tina Escaja; Translations by Kristin Dykstra
Gund Tea: Maria Woolson
Friday, September 15, 2017
12:00-1:00 p.m. - FREE
Johnson House 101
Global change is increasingly understood as systemic, eco-social and complex. This challenge require that institutions deepen the capacity to foster leadership and catalyze systemic responses to both local and regional problems. For such visions to be realized, students will need competencies for working across boundaries and differences ranging from diverse disciplines and methods, to identities and cultures; and many of those skills will come from humanistic perspectives that are often overlooked in favor of technical orientations. This talk will highlight ways in which the humanities and the arts contribute to a robust understanding of the sustainability paradigm while fostering a dialogue across disciplines, and discuss opportunities to create actionable pathways for engaging the 2015 United Nations SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). 
Welcome Back to Campus Department Social
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
4:00-5:00 p.m. - FREE
Waterman Memorial Lounge (338 Waterman Building)
Department majors, minors and faculty are invited to stop in and enjoy some refreshments during the first week of classes. We hope to see you there!
French Conversation Group
Every Thursday beginning March 30
4:20-5:30 p.m. - FREE
Waterman 514
Ricardo Chávez Castañeda - ¿Nuevas convergencias? ¿Nuevas narrativas? El autor como protagonista entre la ficción y la realidad
Monday, April 17, 2017
4:30-6:00 p.m. - FREE
Waterman Memorial Lounge
Visiting Mexican writer Ricardo Chávez Castañeda will be giving a talk entitled "New convergences in 21st century narrative: The author as protagonist between fiction and reality." Is there a kind of literature where real narrative and autobiographical fiction converge? Spaces where authentic stories are told and where the auther is himself a protagonist? Mexican writer Ricardo Chávez Castañeda will speak of these spaces in contemporary literature and will discuss his recent novel Todo el mundo volverá. 
Academic Freedom, Freedom of Thought, and Freedom of Expression On Our Campuses and In Our Classrooms
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
4:00-5:30 p.m. - FREE
301 Williams Hall
A faculty roundtable discussion moderated by Dr. Helen Morgan Parmett with Q&A from the audience. Free and open to the public.
Spanish Minor Advising
Thursday, April 6, 2017
6:00-7:00 p.m. - FREE
Davis Center 422 (Jost Foundation Room)
Are you minoring or thinking about minoring in Spanish? Are you interested in finding out how to deepen your knowledge of Spain and Latin America? Then this meeting is for you! Drop in anytime between 6-7 pm to chat with Professor Waldron over a slice of pizza.
Megan Mahan: Little Pieces of History and Life - Making Mosaics in Rome
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
1:15-2:30 p.m.
Cook Building, A-142 (first floor)
Originally from Wellesley, Massachusetts, mosaicist Megan Mahan studied art history at Pomona College before moving to Rome to pursue a career in art conservation. While studying at Rome's Istituto Centrale per il Restauro, she met Vatican Mosaic Studio Master Roberto Anselmi, who taught her the 18th century Italian technique of micromosaic (mosaico filato).
Michael Palma, Poet and Translator
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
5:05 - 6:20 p.m. (ITAL 195)
Waterman 400
Local poet and translator Michael Palma will be visiting Professor Antonello Borra's Italian 195 course (Translating Cultures) to give a talk. Guests are welcome, but space is limited!
Lecture by Dr. Tracy Adams: The French Royal Mistress and the Politics of Representation
Thursday, January 19, 2017
5:00-6:30 p.m. - FREE
Waterman Memorial Lounge
Dr. Tracy Adams is Associate Professor of European Languages and Literatures at the University of Auckland. She is the author of Violent Passions: Managing Love in the Old French Verse Romance (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005), The Life and Afterlife of Isabeau of Bavaria (The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010), and Christine de Pizan and the Fight for France (Penn State University Press, 2014). With Christine Adams, she edited Female Beauty Systems: Beauty as Social Capital in Western Europe and the US, Middle Ages to the Present (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015). Also with Christine Adams, she is completing The French Royal Mistress and the Politics of Representation. Sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences, the Department of History and the Department of Romance Languages and Linguistics.
Commedia dell'Arte Traditional Italian Theater Workshop
Monday, November 14, 2016
4:00-6:00 p.m. - FREE
North Lounge, Billings Library
You are invited to a hands-on workshop on Commedia dell'Arte Traditional Italian Theater, led by Chiara Durazzini of Pazzi Lazzi with live music by John Tyson! Dress comfortably and be ready to move! Refreshments will be provided. Everyone is welcome, but space is limited. Please register by emailing Professor Cristina Mazzoni.
Commedia dell'Arte is a form of improvisational theatre featuring the use of masks and unique gestures; it presents characters that can be recognized in cultures around the world. Commedia dell'Arte began in Italy in the 16th century and is considered by historians to be the first professional theatre. It was responsible for the introduction of female actresses and improvised performances based on sketches and scenarios.
Study Abroad Fair
Thursday, November 3, 2016
4:00-6:00 p.m. - FREE
John Dewey Lounge, Old Mill 325
Interested in studying abroad? Please come check out this information session if you are planning to study abroad in a French, Italian, or Spanish-speaking country! You will be able to meet with faculty and other students who have returned from a variety of study-abroad programs.
Cuban Poet: Marcelo Morales
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
6:00 p.m. - FREE
Waterman Memorial Lounge, Waterman Building
Marcelo Morales Cintero (b. Cuba, 1977) is a member of a generation who came of age during the island’s “Special Period” of severe post-Soviet economic crisis. He is the award-winning author of numerous collections of poetry and prose, and his most recent writings explore “changes” coming to everyday life in Havana. Morales lives and works in the city’s Vedado district, the backdrop for his new book of prose poetry, The World as Presence / El mundo como ser (U. of Alabama Press, 2016).  Readings from Morales' literature will be presented bilingually with his translator, while the Q & A will be primarily in English. Translator Kristin Dykstra has translated and introduced four bilingual editions of contemporary Cuban literature for the University of Alabama Press in 2014-2016.
23rd Annual Hispanic Forum: Hispanic Culture at UVM in the 400th Anniversary of Cervantes' Death
Thursday & Friday, October 27 - 28, 2016
John Dewey Lounge, Old Mill
This year's Hispanic Forum brochure is available online.
The New England Italian Film Festival
Tuesday, October 4, 2016: I vicerè (The Viceroys)
Tuesday, October 11, 2016: Noi credevamo (We Believed)
Tuesday, October 18, 2016: Corpo celeste (Heavenly Body)
6:30 p.m. - FREE
Waterman 427
All films are shown in the original Italian with English subtitles. Everyone is welcome!
Sponsored by the Department of Romance Languages and Linguistics and the Consulate General of Italy in Boston
Jorge Arce: Afro-Caribbean Workshop
Saturday, October 1, 2016
7:00 p.m. - FREE
Recital Hall, Music Building
A powerful, multi-media audience-involving performance with theater, music, dance, mime, and storytelling - over twenty percussion instruments from the Caribbean! Jorge Arce received his Master of Education Degree from Harvard University in 1994. His musical group Humano was awarded the Boston Music Award for Outstanding Latin Act, 1990. His cultural workshops and performances have been programmed at over two thousand schools, universities and educational centers. Jorge Arce is the former Director for Music Programming at the Puerto Rico Institute for Culture.


Professor Tina Escaja with robot poems

Each academic year, our department hosts a wide variety of events - from foreign film screenings and conversation groups to guest lectures and seminars by visiting scholars.