The MCSC Staff

The team of staff that has been carefully developed over many years includes wonderful advocates, former students and people who are passionate about reaching students where they are!

Meet Our Staff

Our Space

The Mosaic Center for Students of Color is a home away from home both literally and figuratively!

  • Located in the Living and Learning Center
  • Spaces in the Mosaic Center include:
    • Spaces to Study
    • Visit with Other Students,
    • Small Group Meeting Space

Stop by and say hello!

Accessibility at The MCSC

Animal Policy at the MCSC

MCSC Marketing and Communications Policy


The Mosaic Center for Students of Color was established as The Minority Student Program in 1973. Three years later, in 1976, The Minority Student Program was renamedĀ  The Center for Cultural Pluralism to reflect a change in the mission statement.

Office of Multicultural Affairs

  • In 1993, The Office of Multicultural Affairs emerged from The Center for Cultural Pluralism.
  • The Office of Multicultural Affairs focused on the retention of students of color, while The Center for Cultural Pluralism aimed to educate faculty, staff, and students on how to be better allies to marginalized communities.

Asian, Latinx, African & Native American (ALANA) Student Center

  • Five years later, after the Waterman Takeover in 1998, The Office of Multicultural Affairs became The ALANA Student Center. ALANA was a regional acronym that stood for Asian, Latino, Native and African American.
  • In 2016, The ALANA Student Center moved to a central location inĀ Living/Learning on Athletic Campus. This is when the name changed to The Mosaic Center for Students of Color (MCSC).
  • The name Mosaic was selected after an extensive campus process and clearly indicated the community the MCSC sought to serve.