Documents and files


Name Date
Phase 3 Field Guide - Ozone Bioindicator Plants2011
Ozone Bioindicators and Forest Health: A Guide to the Evaluation, Analysis, and Interpretation of the Ozone Injury Data in the Forest Inventory and Analysis Program2008
New England Forest Health Monitoring Work Plan For Bioindicator Data - 19911991


Name Date
Ozone Injury to Forests Across the Northeast and North Central United States, 1994-2010
This report focuses on the states in the Northern Research Station-Forest Inventory and Analysis region, which has the longest record of ozone biomonitoring in the country, from 1994 through 2010. The results of 17 years of ozone injury detection provide indisputable evidence that ozone-induced foliar injury symptoms occur routinely on ozone-sensitive bioindicator plants across much of the forested landscape and in areas previously thought to be relatively ozone free. This report provides state-level information on where ozone stress occurs and whether ozone stress is increasing or decreasing over time. It also provides state-level estimates of the acres of forest land and volume of ozone-susceptible species at risk of ozone impact.
Ozone Bioindicator Sampling and Estimation
The goal of this publication is to provide guidance to analysts and researchers on ways to incorporate ozone bioindicator data into reports and research studies. Periodic recommendations to analysts on improved analytical techniques will be made. Analysts are encouraged to consult the companion user guide for additional guidance on interpreting the ozone biomonitoring data and reporting on the issue of ozone and forest health for the FIA program.