Maple Resource Library
10,000 Tap Maple Syrup Start-Up
Provides estimated start-up investment levels for sap-only and bulk syrup enterprises. 10,000 tap start-up.
10,000 Tap Multi-Site Maple Syrup Start-Up
Provides estimated start-up investment levels for sap-only and bulk syrup enterprises. 10,000 tap start-up multi-site.
10,000 Tap Sap Start-Up
Provides estimated start-up investment levels for sap-only and bulk syrup enterprises. 10,000 tap start-up.
15,000 Tap Sap Start-Up
Povides estimated start-up investment levels for sap-only and bulk syrup enterprises. 15,000 tap start-up.
20,000 Tap Multi-Site Maple Syrup Start-Up
Provides estimated start-up investment levels for sap-only and bulk syrup enterprises. 20,000 tap start-up multi-site.
2013 Maple Business Benchmark, FBRR012-12/14
Cost of production and financial analysis for 2,500 – 20,000 tap maple operations.
2014 Maple Business Benchmark FBRR015
Cost of production and financial analysis for 2,500 – 50,000 + tap maple operations in 2014.
2015 Maple Business Benchmark, FBRR024
Cost of production analysis for 14 maple syrup producers ranging from 2,500 – 25,000 taps in 2015.
2016 Maple Business Benchmark, FBRR026
Cost of production analysis for 11 maple syrup producers ranging from 2,500 – 25,000 taps in 2016.
2017 Maple Business Benchmark, FBRR029
Cost of production analysis for 12 maple syrup producers ranging from 2,500 – 18,000 taps in 2017.
2019 Northeast Maple Business Benchmark, FBRR 043
Cost of production analysis for 11 maple syrup and sap producers ranging from 6,500 - 60,000 taps.
2020 Northeast Maple Business Benchmark, FBRR 057
Cost of production analysis for 13 maple syrup producers from 6,500 - 65,000 taps.
2020 Sugarbush Lease Guide
Resources designed for maple syrup producers, maple sap producers and forest land owners to consider, discuss and formalize lease agreements.
2020 Sugarhouse Lease Guide
Resources designed for maple syrup producers, maple sap producers and forest land owners to consider, discuss and formalize lease agreements.
3,000 Tap Sap Start-Up
Provides estimated start-up investment levels for sap-only and bulk syrup enterprises. 3,000 tap start-up.
5,000 Tap Maple Syrup Start-Up
Provides estimated start-up investment levels for sap-only and bulk syrup enterprises. 5,000 tap start-up.
5,000 Tap Sap Start-Up
Provides estimated start-up investment levels for sap-only and bulk syrup enterprises. 5,000 tap start-up.
7,000 Tap Sap Start-Up
Provides estimated start-up investment levels for sap-only and bulk syrup enterprises. 7,000 tap start-up.
Assessment Checklist for a Maple Sap Business
An excel template with a rating scale to consider sixteen features of a potential sap business and sugarbush.
Best Practices for Birch Syrup Flavor
Webinar from 8/11/2021.
Enhancing the Carbon Benefits of Your Sugarbush
Enhancing the Carbon Benefits of Your Sugarbush is the 2nd factsheet in a series discussing the benefits and practices related to forest carbon management and maple sugarbush management.
Joint Venture Agreement
This educational template includes the major items needed to formalize a joint venture agreement.
Labor and Management for the Sap-Only Business Model
Labor and management considerations for operating a sap business
Labor Tracking Worksheet for the Sap-Only Business
A worksheet tool for tracking labor over the year.
Legal Entity Structures for Maple Producers
This guide includes establishment and maintenance of partnerships, limited liability companies and other joint ventures.
Maine's Forest Taxation Program for Maple
This guide provides an overview of Maine tax abatement programs for forest landowners and maple producers.
Maple Business Digital Marketing Assessment
A brief worksheet to begin mapping out the phases of a digital marketing plan for your operation.
Maple Lease Checklist
This educational resource includes a number of key questions for the parties of a lease to discuss in order to develop an appropriate document for their situation.
Maple Market Insights: The Maple Data Dashboard
A summary of key results from maple market demand research and access to the interactive research dashboard.
Maple Product Features
A market planning worksheet to identify key product features and promotional communications.
Maple Rental Rates Fact Sheet
An overview describing aspects of maple rental agreements and listing important considerations.
Maple Rental Rates: Percent of Gross Revenue
Charts to establish a per tap rental rate based on both the market price for syrup and sap yield.
Maple Sap Business Promotion Information & Resource Sheet
Understanding the economic benefits of a maple sap enterprise.
Maple Sap Pricing Guide
This card provides a guide to the value of 1 gallon of raw maple sap as it relates to a specified crop share percentage (50% or 60%), the bulk syrup price and the sap sugar content.
Maple Sap Supply Agreement
This education template provides the structure for a formal binding contract between a sap supplier and a sap buyer.
Maple Sap Supply Agreement: Additional Clauses
This worksheet explores additional considerations for a sap purchase and sale agreement and offers additional clauses to supplement the standard UVM "Maple Sap Supply Agreement" listed above.
Maple SWOT Analysis
A strategic planning worksheet to consider the business strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
New York's Current Use Tax Program for Maple
This guide provides an overview of New York tax abatement programs for forest landowners and maple producers.
Northeastern United States Maple Syrup Production and Economics: A 2019 Survey of Producers
This research report provides a full overview of a 2019 survey completed by maple producers. The report includes management practices, technology adoption, economic viability and key factors that describe different profiles of maple enterprises in operation in the region.
One-Page Maple Business Plan
A simple worksheet for collecting the basic components of your business plan.
Operating Agreement Template
This educational template provides the structure for a formal Limited Liability Company (LLC) operating agreement.
Red Maple As Crop Trees for Maple Syrup Production
This paper presents research and considerations regarding the production potential of red maples in the context of improved sap collection technologies.
Sap Business SWOT Analysis
A strategic worksheet used to brainstorm the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) to a business or enterprise.
Sap Selling Potential Within the Maple Sector
University of Vermont Extension surveyed maple producers in the Northeast United States during the 2022/2023 winter months to explore the prevalence and possibility of sap selling and buying in the maple sector. This resource bulletin focuses on the smaller group of business owners who are buying or selling sap.
Sugarbush Waterbars 101
This document outlines best practices for structuring waterbars throughout a sugarbush.
Tapping Guidelines for Maple Syrup Production
New tapping guidelines are based on years of research into maple tree growth, sap harvesting practices/technology and a recognition that tree diameter alone does not fully explain all the factors that determine if tapping intensity in a given sugarbush is sustainable.
Valuing the Carbon Benefits of Your Sugarbush
Valuing the Carbon Benefits of Your Sugarbush is the 3rd factsheet in a series on carbon storage and how to better manage for it in your forestland.
Vermont's Current Use Tax Program for Maple
This guide provides an overview of Vermont tax abatement programs for forest landowners and maple producers.