Get Help

Immediately Following an Assault

Get to Safety


After an incident of sexual or identity-related violence, do what you can to keep safe from any further harm. If you feel that you are in an unsafe situation, contact UVM Police Services at 911 or (802) 656-3473. They will be able to assist you.  UVM Medical Center is available for medical care and/or Sexual Assault Nurse Examination (SANE) exams. The UVM Medical Center emergency room is located at 111 Colchester Ave Level 1, Burlington, VT 05401, in the West Pavilion (there are large signs directing you there).  Always call 911 in an emergency. 

Contact Support - 24/7


If you can get to a safe place, you may want to contact HOPE Works for sexual violence support at (802) 863-1236, or another person that you trust to be with you. HOPE Works provides survivor advocacy and is available 24/7.   UVM Police Services is available 24/7 at 802-656-3473 or 911 in an emergency.    CAPS is available for general student counseling related to identity-based discrimination or harassment at (802) 656-3340.

Seeking Medical Attention and Preserving Evidence

Medical Attention

  • Medical attention is very important, as you may have obtained injuries during the assault. Go the closest emergency room (in Burlington, UVM Medical Center).
  • At the hospital, you can be tested for sexually transmitted infections and receive emergency contraception, if needed. If you think you may have been drugged, you must ask a health professional to perform a test to verify.
  • HOPE Works is a community advocate who may be able to meet you at the hospital to provide support and information. Call HOPE Works at (802) 863-1236.

Preserve Evidence

  • Consider going to the UVM Medical Center or nearby emergency room to see a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE)
  • While it may be exactly what you feel like doing, do not bathe or douche. If oral contact took place, try not to eat or brush your teeth. Even if you have done these things, you can still get a SANE examination. 
  • If you haven’t changed clothes, keep the original garments on, and bring an extra set with you to the hospital if you will be seeking medical attention. The police may need to keep your clothes as evidence if you file a report.
  • If you have changed clothes, place the clothes in a paper bag (plastic can destroy evidence).
  • Save any text messages, social media messages, or other communications that relate to the incident. 

Next Steps

Confidential Support and Health Care Services

A complete list of support resources can be found at Support Resources

  • UVM Counseling and Psychiatry Services (CAPS): Confidential counseling services for students.   (802) 656-3340
  • HOPE Works: HOPE Works provides 24-hour crisis counseling and advocacy for individuals affected by sexual violence.  HOPE Works hotline is available at (802) 863-1236 or 1-800-489-7273
  • UVM Medical Center: Emergency Department and Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner: (802) 847-2434.   Address: 111 Colchester Avenue, Main Campus, West Pavilion, Level 1, Burlington, Vermont 05401.
  • Employee Assistance Program:  Confidential counseling services for UVM employees.  Contact (802) 864-3270 or toll-free at 1-866-660-9533.
  • UVM Student Health Services: Confidential health care services for students. (802) 656-3350
  • Student Financial Services: Provides advice and guidance on financial aid and financing education. (802) 656-5700
  • Student Legal Services: Can provide students with a referral to an attorney and/or legal advice. (802) 656-4379
Filing a Report

You may do so to file a report at any point following an assault. You are not required to file a report in order to receive medical attention or assistance from campus and community resources. Individuals may choose to file a report with law enforcement, with EO, with both, or neither.

Individuals may contact our office directly to initiate an internal (non-criminal) investigation:

To initiate a criminal investigation, individuals should contact UVM Police Services:

Title IX Office


Unsure of your next step or want more information on Title IX? You can get in touch with a Title IX Coordinator or Process Advisor.

Title IX and Sexual Misconduct