Student Friendly and Interactive Syllabi

A syllabus is an important part of students’ first impression of you and your course. It outlines the semester’s major work, describes course goals, your policies, and some relevant university policies…but how many syllabi end up looking like long legalistic documents that students won’t read? This workshop introduces some simple principles for making syllabi student-centered.

Additionally, we’ll introduce the interactive syllabus, a way of presenting your syllabus through a simple survey. This creates opportunities for students to interact with you and the syllabus–and perhaps even contribute to the syllabus. We’ll explore several options, both thematically and technologically, for using an interactive syllabus, including starting from a template to reduce your workload.

Facilitated by Jen Garrett-Ostermiller and Susanmarie Harrington.

You will receive a Microsoft Teams calendar invitation the afternoon prior to your event explaining how to join and participate in the meeting.  If you click “accept,” it will populate on your Teams calendar for easy access!

Inhale: Reflecting & Connecting as We Begin Another Pandemic Semester

As the fall semester starts, we all return to campus changed by the pandemic. Last spring, we held a session to exhale together and make sense of how the pandemic had changed us and our teaching. We heard themes of flexibility and compassion, for students and ourselves. With classes about to start, let’s come together and inhale, entering the semester with connection, peer support, and intentional reflection. How are you implementing lessons learned from the past year? What are you feeling as you think about engaging with your classes in-person? What approaches are you excited to try? What questions are percolating in this new phase of the pandemic? Come prepared to listen, share, reflect, and inhale with colleagues.

Facilitated by Susanmarie Harrington and Jen Garrett-Ostermiller.

You will receive a Microsoft Teams calendar invitation the afternoon prior to your event explaining how to join and participate in the meeting.  If you click “accept,” it will populate on your Teams calendar for easy access!

Cancelled: Q&A: Screencasting with Screencast-O-Matic

During this live Q&A, you’ll have an opportunity to clarify questions and refine your knowledge of Screencast-O-Matic for increased confidence and independence in producing effective videos for your students. We can review any steps along the way from planning to recording to editing to sharing.

Prior to the workshop please complete the tasks outlined here. Bring your Screencast-O-Matic questions to this live session!

Facilitated by Jen Garrett-Ostermiller, CTL Faculty Development Specialist

You will receive a Microsoft Teams calendar invitation the afternoon prior to your event explaining how to join and participate in the meeting.  If you click “accept,” it will populate on your Teams calendar for easy access!

Cancelled: Perusall: a Social Reader and Annotation Tool

This workshop has been cancelled. Please see the same listing for August 27th.

Perusall is a collaborative annotation tool that integrates with Blackboard (meaning no separate login is needed). Perusall has been shown to increase pre-class reading significantly (greater than 90% of students consistently complete readings in classes using this tool). Students—in small groups up to 20—can collectively mark up readings with threaded questions and comments.

The software generates a “confusion report” for instructors, highlighting areas of the text that may warrant deeper in-class discussion, as well as an instructor-facing analytics report that enables grading of reading assignments. Perusall also has a feature that allows for collaborative annotation of instructor-created or publicly accessible videos.

Facilitated by Jen Garrett-Ostermiller, CTL Faculty Development Specialist.

You will receive a Microsoft Teams calendar invitation the afternoon prior to your event explaining how to join and participate in the meeting.  If you click “accept,” it will populate on your Teams calendar for easy access!

Advanced Teams for Teaching

Prerequisite – Teaching with Teams workshop or use of Teams for Teaching or running meetings. We’ll cover collaborative document-editing, polls, pages, OneNote, etc.

This workshop will show the ways to use group documents in Team channels for collaborative editing, how to run polls from Teams, how to create a Teams page, as well as the use of OneNote for instructor notes and student note-taking.

You will receive a Microsoft Teams calendar invitation the afternoon prior to your event explaining how to join and participate in the meeting.  If you click “accept,” it will populate on your Teams calendar for easy access!

Facilitated by Holly Buckland Parker.

Teaching with Teams

Microsoft Teams can be an engaging and community building component of your remote teaching plan. In this remote workshop, we will explore Team’s features while you experience its video conference functionality. You will learn how to:

  • Use your pre-populated course “Team” for your class sessions
  • Create “channels” within your Team for project work and share documents
  • Create links on the Teams Calendar to class Team meetings
  • Learn how to download your course roster
  • Restrict presentation rights for class

You will receive a Microsoft Teams calendar invitation the afternoon prior to your event explaining how to join and participate in the meeting.  If you click “accept,” it will populate on your Teams calendar for easy access!

Facilitated by Holly Buckland Parker.

Teaching with Teams

Microsoft Teams can be an engaging and community building component of your remote teaching plan. In this remote workshop, we will explore Team’s features while you experience its video conference functionality. You will learn how to:

  • Use your pre-populated course “Team” for your class sessions
  • Create “channels” within your Team for project work and share documents
  • Create links on the Teams Calendar to class Team meetings
  • Learn how to download your course roster
  • Restrict presentation rights for class

You will receive a Microsoft Teams calendar invitation the afternoon prior to your event explaining how to join and participate in the meeting.  If you click “accept,” it will populate on your Teams calendar for easy access!

Facilitated by Holly Buckland Parker.

Teaching with Teams (Canceled)

Microsoft Teams can be an engaging and community building component of your remote teaching plan. In this remote workshop, we will explore Team’s features while you experience its video conference functionality. You will learn how to:

  • Use your pre-populated course “Team” for your class sessions
  • Create “channels” within your Team for project work and share documents
  • Create links on the Teams Calendar to class Team meetings
  • Learn how to download your course roster
  • Restrict presentation rights for class

You will receive a Microsoft Teams calendar invitation the afternoon prior to your event explaining how to join and participate in the meeting.  If you click “accept,” it will populate on your Teams calendar for easy access!

Facilitated by Holly Buckland Parker.

A Win-Win: Increase Reading and Student Engagement with Perusall

Perusall, which integrates with Blackboard (meaning no separate login needed), is a free collaborative annotation tool. Perusall has been shown to increase pre-class reading significantly (greater than 90% of students consistently complete readings in classes using this tool). Students (in small groups up to 20), collectively mark up readings with threaded questions and comments. The software generates a “confusion report” for instructors, highlighting areas of the text that may warrant deeper in-class discussion, as well as an instructor-facing analytics report, which enables grading of reading assignments. Perusall also has a feature that allows for collaborative annotation of instructor-created or publicly accessible videos.

Facilitated by Jen Garrett-Ostermiller, CTL Faculty Development Specialist.

You will receive a Microsoft Teams calendar invitation the afternoon prior to your event explaining how to join and participate in the meeting.  If you click “accept,” it will populate on your Teams calendar for easy access!

Blackboard Grade Center

This workshop will show you how to set up the Blackboard Grade Center to make it work for you and keep students informed about their current grades. We’ll also show you how to verify its weighted grade calculations and how to troubleshoot problems.

The Grade Center is essentially a spreadsheet that can be customized to calculate your students’ weighted grades as they proceed through the course. It’s tied to the tools you’ve set up in your course for graded assignments, it can also include columns for grades that are not linked to Blackboard tools. It’s a robust tool that provides many grading features, such as grouping like-assignments in order to drop the lowest grade.

Facilitated by Inés Berrizbeitia.

You will receive a Microsoft Teams calendar invitation the afternoon prior to your event explaining how to join and participate in the meeting.  If you click “accept,” it will populate on your Teams calendar for easy access!

Tests and Quizzes: Creating, Giving, and Grading Them in Blackboard

In the first part of this workshop, we’ll show how to:

  • Set up a test
  • Create questions (and look at the types of questions available)
  • Deploy it so students can take it
  • View results and grade it

Attendees who aren’t interested in the next part are welcome to opt out. After covering the basics listed above, we’ll cover two more advanced processes. How to:

  • Import test questions from a Word file or from other tests
  • Build randomized question sets so Blackboard presents different versions of exams to students

The day before your workshop, if you have registered, you’ll be added to the event and should see it on your own Teams calendar.

Facilitated by Inés Berrizbeitia.

Flipgrid: Engage Students in Video-Based Discussions

Flipgrid, a video-based, asynchronous discussion tool, is available for free as part of UVM’s Microsoft Office 365 suite. Instructors set up prompts and parameters for student videos (including length limits of 15sec to 10min). Students respond to the prompts and to their classmates with their own original video recordings. In this workshop, you’ll see a demonstration of Flipgrid’s functionality, learn how faculty set up Flipgrid, and try out participating in a Flipgrid discussion. The goal of the workshop is to have participants experience Flipgrid while also considering effective ways to incorporate this flexible tool into classes to support student learning and engagement.

Prior to the workshop, please read about how to incorporate Flipgrid into your teaching:

Facilitated by: Jen Garrett-Ostermiller

You will receive a Microsoft Teams calendar invitation the afternoon prior to your event explaining how to join and participate in the meeting.  If you click “accept,” it will populate on your Teams calendar for easy access!

Student Voices Panel: Reflections on Grading and Instructor Feedback

11:30am-12:30pm – Student Voice Panel Discussion: Reflections on Grading and Instructor Feedback

One of the most time-intensive parts of teaching is responding to student work…but how do students process those responses and what do students value about your feedback?

This student panel, composed of current UVM undergraduates, will share student perspectives on grading and instructor feedback. The panelists will reflect on the experience and purpose of grading; the kinds of feedback they have received, how feedback has been useful, and not; and what faculty have done with feedback that promoted learning and confidence.

12:30pm-1:00pm – Conversations with Colleagues: Reflections and Takeaways

What did you learn from the student panelists? What ideas do you have to implement in your courses? What questions were raised that you’d like to think through with colleagues?

Facilitated by Jen Garrett-Ostermiller (CTL) and Susanmarie Harrington (WID)

Poll Everywhere Student Response System Demo

Join us to see currently available software for student response systems. We invite anyone on campus interested in looking at the feature sets for these systems, and particularly individuals currently using a response system in their teaching, to attend one or more demo. Each vendor will set aside time for Q&A as part of their presentation. After each session we will be asking you to do a quick survey to let us know what you think about the system.

We hope you are able to participate! The following dates and systems are scheduled:

Please register for EACH session you are able to attend, so that we can send you the proper Teams meeting invitation(s). Please reserve this time on your calendar.  You will receive a Microsoft Teams calendar invitation the afternoon prior to your event explaining how to join and participate in the meeting.  If you click “accept,” it will populate on your Teams calendar for easy access!
Your participation in these demo sessions is valued, and your feedback will be vital to the review committee.

Top Hat Student Response System Demo

Join us to see currently available software for student response systems. We invite anyone on campus interested in looking at the feature sets for these systems, and particularly individuals currently using a response system in their teaching, to attend one or more demo. Each vendor will set aside time for Q&A as part of their presentation. After each session we will be asking you to do a quick survey to let us know what you think about the system.

We hope you are able to participate! The following dates and systems are scheduled:

Please register for EACH session you are able to attend, so that we can send you the proper Teams meeting invitation(s). Please reserve this time on your calendar.  You will receive a Microsoft Teams calendar invitation the afternoon prior to your event explaining how to join and participate in the meeting.  If you click “accept,” it will populate on your Teams calendar for easy access!

Your participation in these demo sessions is valued, and your feedback will be vital to the review committee.

iClicker Student Response System Demo

Join us to see currently available software for student response systems (SRS). We invite anyone on campus interested in looking at the feature sets for these systems, and particularly individuals currently using a response system in their teaching, to attend one or more demo. Each vendor will set aside time for Q&A as part of their presentation. After each session we will be asking you to do a quick survey to let us know what you think about the system.

We hope you are able to participate! The following dates and systems are scheduled:

Please register for EACH session you are able to attend, so that we can send you the proper Teams meeting invitation(s). Please reserve this time on your calendar.  You will receive a Microsoft Teams calendar invitation the afternoon prior to your event explaining how to join and participate in the meeting.  If you click “accept,” it will populate on your Teams calendar for easy access!

Your participation in these demo sessions is valued, and your feedback will be vital to the review committee.

Teams Troubleshooting

Are you using Teams to meet with your class? If so, you’re invited to join us for this troubleshooting session.

Bring your questions or problems related to teaching with Teams, and staff from ETS and the CTL will be there to discuss them and help you find solutions.

Please reserve this time on your calendar.  You will receive a Microsoft Teams calendar invitation the afternoon prior to your event explaining how to join and participate in the meeting.  If you click “accept,” it will populate on your Teams calendar for easy access!

Teaching Effectively Online

Teaching Effectively Online is a 4-week asynchronous online course (May 24 – June 18) that prepares faculty to teach online by exploring research-based best practices for designing courses, providing practical experience with a variety of tools, and perhaps most importantly, by providing faculty the change in perspective—teachers become students, a shift that is regularly described as game-changing.

Your Blackboard course role will be student, so you’re not expected to have expertise with Blackboard’s instructor tools. You just need a computer, a good internet connection, and a willingness to take part in new teaching and learning experiences.

While TEO is offered as an asynchronous online course, there will be optional one-hour live sessions held each week via MS Teams.

Learn more about the program and view the TEO FAQs page.

Teams Troubleshooting

Are you using Teams to meet with your class? If so, you’re invited to join us for this troubleshooting session.

Bring your questions or problems related to teaching with Teams, and staff from ETS and the CTL will be there to discuss them and help you find solutions.

Please reserve this time on your calendar.  You will receive a Microsoft Teams calendar invitation the afternoon prior to your event explaining how to join and participate in the meeting.  If you click “accept,” it will populate on your Teams calendar for easy access!

Teams Troubleshooting

Are you using Teams to meet with your class? If so, you’re invited to join us for this troubleshooting session.

Bring your questions or problems related to teaching with Teams, and staff from ETS and the CTL will be there to discuss them and help you find solutions.

Please reserve this time on your calendar.  You will receive a Microsoft Teams calendar invitation 1 day prior to your event explaining how to join and participate in the meeting.  If you click “accept,” it will populate on your Teams calendar for easy access!

Blackboard Grade Center

The Grade Center is essentially a spreadsheet that can be customized to calculate your students’ weighted grades as they proceed through the course. It is connected to tools you’ve set up in your course for graded assignments, it can also include columns for grades that are not linked to Blackboard tools, and it has a private student-view called “My Grades” so students can track their grades. This workshop will show you the 3 keys to setting up the Grade Center to make it run smoothly. We’ll also consider how to troubleshoot problems and ways to verify its accuracy.

Facilitated by Hope Greenberg

You will receive a Microsoft Teams calendar invitation 1-2 days prior to your event explaining how to join and participate in the meeting.  If you click “accept,” it will populate on your Teams calendar for easy access!

Tests and Quizzes: Creating, Giving, and Grading Them in Blackboard

In the first part of this workshop, we’ll show how to:

  • Set up a test
  • Create questions (and look at the types of questions available)
  • Deploy it so students can take it
  • View results and grade it

Attendees who aren’t interested in the next part are welcome to opt out. After covering the basics listed above, we’ll cover two more advanced processes. How to:

  • Import test questions from a Word file or from other tests
  • Build randomized question sets so Blackboard presents different versions of exams to students

The day before your workshop, if you have registered, you’ll be added to the event and should see it on your own Teams calendar.

Facilitated by Inés Berrizbeitia.

Teams Troubleshooting

Are you using Teams to meet with your class? If so, you’re invited to join us for this troubleshooting session.

Bring your questions or problems related to teaching with Teams, and staff from ETS and the CTL will be there to discuss them and help you find solutions.

Please reserve this time on your calendar.  You will receive a Microsoft Teams calendar invitation 1 day prior to your event explaining how to join and participate in the meeting.  If you click “accept,” it will populate on your Teams calendar for easy access!

Teams Troubleshooting

Are you using Teams to meet with your class? If so, you’re invited to join us for this troubleshooting session.

Bring your questions or problems related to teaching with Teams, and staff from ETS and the CTL will be there to discuss them and help you find solutions.

Please reserve this time on your calendar.  You will receive a Microsoft Teams calendar invitation 1 day prior to your event explaining how to join and participate in the meeting.  If you click “accept,” it will populate on your Teams calendar for easy access!

Team Time: Learn about Breakout Rooms

Breakout rooms, created on-the-fly, are finally here for Teams meetings. In this informal Teams practice session, you’ll have the opportunity to learn about how to create breakout rooms and how the settings options will affect your students’ experiences. Each participant in the workshop will have the opportunity to “host” a meeting with breakout rooms, including practice creating manually or automatically enrolled groups, moving people from one group to another, renaming groups, sending messages to all groups, and moving between breakout rooms.

Facilitated by Holly Buckland Parker. Email the facilitator directly if you would like to join and the registration is closed. (

Please reserve this time on your calendar.  You will receive a Microsoft Teams calendar invitation 1 day prior to your event explaining how to join and participate in the meeting.  If you click “accept,” it will populate on your Teams calendar for easy access!

Team Time: Learn about Breakout Rooms

Breakout rooms, created on-the-fly, are finally here for Teams meetings. In this informal Teams practice session, you’ll have the opportunity to learn about how to create breakout rooms and how the settings options will affect your students’ experiences. Each participant in the workshop will have the opportunity to “host” a meeting with breakout rooms, including practice creating manually or automatically enrolled groups, moving people from one group to another, renaming groups, sending messages to all groups, and moving between breakout rooms.

Facilitated by Holly Buckland Parker.

Please reserve this time on your calendar.  You will receive a Microsoft Teams calendar invitation 1-2 days prior to your event explaining how to join and participate in the meeting.  If you click “accept,” it will populate on your Teams calendar for easy access!

Team Time: Learn about Breakout Rooms

Breakout rooms, created on-the-fly, are finally here for Teams meetings. In this informal Teams practice session, you’ll have the opportunity to learn about how to create breakout rooms and how the settings options will affect your students’ experiences. Each participant in the workshop will have the opportunity to “host” a meeting with breakout rooms, including practice creating manually or automatically enrolled groups, moving people from one group to another, renaming groups, sending messages to all groups, and moving between breakout rooms.

Facilitated by Jen Garrett-Ostermiller, CTL Faculty Development Specialist

Please reserve this time on your calendar.  You will receive a Microsoft Teams calendar invitation 1-2 days prior to your event explaining how to join and participate in the meeting.  If you click “accept,” it will populate on your Teams calendar for easy access!

Team Time: Learn about Breakout Rooms

Breakout rooms, created on-the-fly, are finally here for Teams meetings. In this informal Teams practice session, you’ll have the opportunity to learn about how to create breakout rooms and how the settings options will affect your students’ experiences. Each participant in the workshop will have the opportunity to “host” a meeting with breakout rooms, including practice creating manually or automatically enrolled groups, moving people from one group to another, renaming groups, sending messages to all groups, and moving between breakout rooms.

Facilitated by Eva Cosoroaba.

Please reserve this time on your calendar.  You will receive a Microsoft Teams calendar invitation the day before your event explaining how to join and participate in the meeting.  If you click “accept,” it will populate on your Teams calendar for easy access!

General Purpose Classroom Orientation

CTL Faculty Associates and ETS are offering classroom tours of selected General Purpose rooms in Lafayette where you can try the room equipment and get a sense of how to teach in the space.

You will receive an email the day before the event with specific room number for the orientation. Please do not just show up, we need to make sure the classroom capacity is not exceeded.

In the meantime, you can find information about the equipment specific to your classroom in the General Purpose classrooms in this UVM Knowledge Base article.

Before arriving on campus on the day of the session, you must complete UVM’s Health Screening form.

General Purpose Classroom Orientation

CTL Faculty Associates and ETS are offering classroom tours of selected General Purpose rooms in Lafayette where you can try the room equipment and get a sense of how to teach in the space.

You will receive an email the day before the event with specific room number for the orientation. Please do not just show up, we need to make sure the classroom capacity is not exceeded.

In the meantime, you can find information about the equipment specific to your classroom in the General Purpose classrooms in this UVM Knowledge Base article.

Before arriving on campus on the day of the session, you must complete UVM’s Health Screening form.