Farming the Floodplain: Trade-offs and Opportunities

Added by Rachel Schattman • Last updated January 9, 2020
Author: Christine Hatch, Ben Warner, Rachel Schattman
Type: Fact sheets, Scientific summaries
Topic: Extreme weather, Climate science

This two-page research summary addresses the trade-offs rural communities face when increased flooding damages public and private land, and makes farming more risky. The authors also provide a link for teaching resources on this topic. The summary was created by collaborators from UMass Amherst, the University of Vermont, the University of Arizona, and the USDA Northeast Climate Hub.


Livestock Indemnity Program
Added by Devon Johnson • Last updated November 21, 2019
Author: USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA)
Type: Fact sheets; Grant opportunities; People/services
Topic: Extreme weather; Climate science