Disaster Resource Center

Added by Devon Johnson • Last updated January 23, 2021
Author: USDA
Type: Fact sheets, People/services, Rules and regulations, Scientific summaries
Topic: Cover cropping, Drainage, High tunnels, Irrigation, Reduce tillage, Changing pest and disease pressure, Drought, Forecasts for the Northeast, Precipitation

Information about specific disasters and emergencies, how to prepare, recover, and help build long-term resilience for a variety of climate related disaster events.


Adaptation Resources for Agriculture
Added by Devon Johnson • Last updated November 21, 2019
Author: USDA
Type: Fact sheets; Scientific summaries
Topic: Cover cropping; Drainage; High tunnels; Irrigation; Reduce tillage; Changing pest and disease pressure; Drought; Forecasts for the Northeast; Precipitation
Ask a Question
Added by Devon Johnson • Last updated November 21, 2019
Author: USDA National Agricultural Library
Type: People/services
Topic: Cover cropping; Drainage; High tunnels; Irrigation; Reduce tillage; Changing pest and disease pressure; Drought; Forecasts for the Northeast; Precipitation
NRCS Climate Adaptation Practice Search
Added by Devon Johnson • Last updated November 21, 2019
Type: Events and trainings; Fact sheets; People/services; Scientific summaries; Tools or calculators
Topic: Cover cropping; Drainage; High tunnels; Irrigation; Reduce tillage; Changing pest and disease pressure; Drought; Forecasts for the Northeast; Precipitation