Dickinson College Farm's Silvopasture

Added by Karrah Kwasnik • Last updated November 23, 2019
Author: USDA Northeast Climate Hub
Type: Photos/videos, Case studies
Topic: Drought, Precipitation, Education, Extreme weather

The USDA Northeast Climate Hub partnered with University of Delaware, and other USDA and land grant collaborators to create a virtual network of climate-informed farm and forest demonstration sites called, 'As If You Were There.' This tour explores the silvopasture systems and adaptive management practices at Dickinson College Farm.


Agroforestry at Angus Glen
Added by Karrah Kwasnik • Last updated November 23, 2019
Author: USDA Northeast Climate Hub
Type: Photos/videos; Case studies
Topic: Drought; Precipitation; Education; Extreme weather
UVM Dairy Farming Research
Added by Karrah Kwasnik • Last updated November 23, 2019
Author: USDA Northeast Climate Hub
Type: Photos/videos; Case studies
Topic: Precipitation; Drought; Extreme weather; Education