Continued Conversations with Cecarelli Farms

Added by Karrah Kwasnik • Last updated November 23, 2019
Author: USDA Northeast Climate Hub
Type: Case studies
Topic: Irrigation, Reduce tillage, Changing pest and disease pressure, Drought, Precipitation, Extreme weather

As illustrated by Cecarelli Farms, there are many actions a farm can take to lessen the impacts – or even take advantage of - climate trends. Through conversations with farm manager, William DellaCamera, some actions Cecarelli Farms has taken include the use of deep zone tillage to combat soil erosion from heavy rains, installation of a SDI system to more efficiently target water to crop roots (and reduce weed germination, labor, and other resource inputs), adjustment of planting decisions in anticipation of a lengthier harvest window for some crops due to later frosts dates (but with a reduced labor force), decisions based on data from an on-farm weather station, and being responsive to both weather events and market demands in order to conserve both time and resources.



Proceedings of Northeast Climate Hub Partners Meeting
Added by Karrah Kwasnik • Last updated November 23, 2019
Author: USDA Northeast Climate Hub, Rutgers, Delaware State University
Type: Scientific summaries
Topic: Cover cropping; High tunnels; Irrigation; Reduce tillage; Changing pest and disease pressure; Drought; Forecasts for the Northeast; Precipitation; Extreme weather