Adapting to Climate Change: Edgewater Farm

Added by Karrah Kwasnik • Last updated November 23, 2019
Author: this USDA Climate Hub-funded video series produced by the UVM Center for Sustainable Agriculture
Type: Photos/videos
Topic: High tunnels, Extreme weather, Precipitation, Drought, Cover cropping

Farmer, Pooh Sprague, of Edgewater Farm in New Hampshire has also come to rely on high tunnels and other strategies for protected growing of the farm's key crops. He notes the importance of practices that build the soil's health and resiliency. "Everything I do is to ameliorate the damage I do by tilling," he says.


Proceedings of Northeast Climate Hub Partners Meeting
Added by Karrah Kwasnik • Last updated November 23, 2019
Author: USDA Northeast Climate Hub, Rutgers, Delaware State University
Type: Scientific summaries
Topic: Cover cropping; High tunnels; Irrigation; Reduce tillage; Changing pest and disease pressure; Drought; Forecasts for the Northeast; Precipitation; Extreme weather