Flexible and rigorous, the Biological Science major offers the largest breadth of advanced study topics and research opportunities of any life science major on campus. It is ideal for students who want a standout Bachelor of Science degree to propel them into a career in the life sciences.
Biological Science is a cross-college major, meaning students can complete the major as part of UVM’s College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) or College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS). This integrated major was created by unifying separate biology B.S. programs from multiple departments, resulting in an interdisciplinary program that now draws from eighteen departments and five colleges across campus.
Upon earning their degree, Biological Science majors will have achieved the following learning goals:
1. Have a basic (fundamental-conceptual and factual) understanding of genetics, cellular and organismal biology, ecology and evolution.
2. Can evaluate and articulate the contribution of biology to society.
3. Demonstrate proficiency in the scientific method and critical analysis and be able to apply skills to novel questions and data.
4. Articulate biological knowledge both verbally and in writing.
5. Have an in-depth and current knowledge of subject-matter within a scientific discipline.