Burlington 1877

What still stands from between 1869 and 1877 in Burlington, Vermont?



 101, 105, 109, 113, 133-35, and 137-39 Elmwood Avenue


Between 1869 and circa 1873, a series of simple wood frame houses were constructed on Elmwood Avenue opposite Elmwood Cemetery. These buildings are similar to many working-class houses built in the late 1860's and early 1870's in the Old North End as a result of Burlington's booming lumber trade.[1] Most of the structures in the development on Elmwood Avenue are one and one-half or two story, two-by-two bay houses with a gable front or gable-front ell plan. As a result of their small size, most of these buildings have been expanded with multiple additions and porches. The original character of these buildings is sometimes difficult to distinguish because of enclosed porches, replacement sashes and/or siding that obscures the original clapboards and decorative details.



[1] C. Richard Morsbach. Historic Sites and Structures Survey, 101 Elmwood Avenue, Burlinton, Vermont. June 19, 1978.



101 Elmwood Avenue



This two story, gable-front ell house has seen many changes since it was first built. Although it retains some of its original two-over-two sashes, the clapboard has been replaced or covered with aluminum siding and the slate roof replaced with asphalt shingles. Several additions have been made to the rear and the entryway in the ell has been enclosed with an Art Moderne porch, indicating that it was probably constructed around 1930-1940.[1] Greek Revival detailing on the interior indicates that at one time there may have been more exterior stylistic references.

The first known occupant of this house was L.G. Burnham, the owner of a picture framing business located at 73 Church Street. Charles A. Burnham, an employee of this business, and presumably a relative, boarded at this residence as early as 1881.[2] Several years later, the 1890 Hopkins map lists the owner of the property as Mrs. A. Killam, who lived next door at 105 Elmwood. Today the house is connected with the Elmwood-Meunier Funeral Home at 97 Elmwood Avenue.



[1] Virginia and Lee McAlester, A Field Guide to American Houses (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1984), 465-6.

[2] Burlington City Directory, 1881-83, 1884-85.



105 Elmwood Avenue



105 Elmwood Avenue has the same gable-front ell plan as 101 Elmwood; however, it retains more of its original character and details. This structure is interesting in that it has an addition to the rear separated from the main block by a narrow, one story passageway. This addition mirrors the ell section of the main house in size, shape, and even decorative detail, indicating that it may have been built at the same time as the main house. However, this addition does not show up on the 1877 Bird's-Eye-View Map. The peaked lintels over the side windows and the Italianate lintels over the front door and window. The bay window on the front gable also points to an Italianate influence. The turned posts on the entryway porch indicate that it is probably a later addition. An early shed-roofed garage with original doors sits at the back of the lot.

The history of this building's ownership connects it very strongly with the neighboring house at 101 Elmwood. The 1881 Burlington City Directory lists the resident of this house as Albert Killam, who worked for the firm of LG Burnham and Company, a picture frame business. This same directory lists the owner of this business, LG Burnham, as a resident of the house next door. The 1890 Hopkins map lists a Mrs. A Killam as the owner of both properties, which could mean that Albert Killam's wife or another relative was renting out property to his employer. The 1885 Burlington City Directory lists the residents of this house as Kate H, WK, and Jennie C Walker, who worked as a bookkeeper for Walker, Hatch, and Co. AN Johns, a contractor, is also listed as a resident of this house at this time. The 1890 Directory lists the resident of this house as AN Johns, of the Burlington Glove and Furnishing Goods Store at 188 Church.


109 Elmwood Avenue



The house at 109 Elmwood Avenue has been altered significantly, with multiple additions, vinyl siding, replacement sashes, and an enclosed porch that obscures much of the front façade. It appears that the original structure may have been a simple, two story gable-front frame house. A one and one-half story ell was added next, with a shed roof addition to the rear. Few, if any stylistic details remain on the exterior.

The history of this property is also fairly obscure. In 1881, AH Blair, a deputy county clerk, lived at this residence with Ada S. and Delia A Blair.[1] By 1885, Delia Blair was employed by Lyman and Allen as a clerk. The 1890 Hopkins map lists EW Atwater as the owner of this property. The Blair family no longer lived at this address at that time.[2]



[1] Burlington City Directory, 1881-83.

[2] Burlington City Directory, 1890.



113 Elmwood Avenue



This house, located on the corner of Elmwood Avenue and Allen Street, is a two-by-two bay gable-front frame house with several additions and alterations. The original clapboards and much of the stylistic detail is obscured by vinyl siding, and all of the windows have one-over-one replacement sashes with applied muntins. Despite the many changes, the original Greek Revival door surround remains, giving an indication of the building's original appearance. An early addition to the rear connects the carriage house to the residence.

The first known occupant of this house was David Mitchell, listed in the 1881-83 Burlington City Directory as a gold and silver plater based out of Winooski. Mitchell and his family lived in this house through the end of the nineteenth century. S. LeDuc, a barber at 20 Church Street is also listed at this house in 1881-81 and Mary and Rose Hadd, employees of Wells and Richardson Company, both boarded at this house in the mid-1880s.[1] The house is currently used as the parish outreach center for St. Joseph's Church.




[1] Burlington City Directories, 1881-83, 1885, 1890, 1890 Hopkins map.


133-35 Elmwood Avenue


This house may or may not have been built before 1877. A similar house sits near this location on the 1877 Bird's-Eye-View map, but it is difficult to tell if this is the one. This two-story gable-front ell house has also seen many changes over the years, with several additions, new siding and replacement sashes. This house is very similar in size and plan to the other houses built at the same time across from Elmwood Cemetery.

The Latainville family lived in this house between 1881 and 1890. The 1881 City Directory lists Mrs. Sophie Latainville as the primary resident of this house with Joseph Latainville boarding at the rear of the building. By 1890, Joseph Latainville is listed as the primary resident and his name is found on the 1890 Hopkins map at this location.


[1] Burlington City Directories, 1885, 1890, 1890 Hopkins map.


137-39 Elmwood Avenue



This house is easily identifiable on the 1877 Bird's-Eye-View map of Burlington as a two story, gable-front structure with a porch running the length of its south side. With the exception of the porch, which is now partially enclosed, this house appears in shape and plan much the same as it did when it was first built around 1870. While the siding has been replaced, the original variegated slate roof appears unchanged. The first floor front facade windows have also been replaced with large fixed panes.

The earliest known resident of this house is George L. Campbell, an employee of the marble dealers JW Goodell and Company. Three years later, the directory also lists Joseph St. Peters, a city employee, as a resident here. The 1890 Hopins map names the owner of this property as Joseph Latainville, who lived next door at the time. The City Directory of that same year lists the residents of 137-139 Elmwood Avenue as Miss Lydia Beauchamp, an employee of Burlington Shirt Company, John C Lemay, a shoemaker, and Mary Lemay, a widow. The occupations of these residents fit the demographics of this area in the late nineteenth century.

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A Research Project of the
University of Vermont Historic Preservation Program
HP 206 Researching Historic Structures and Sites - Prof. Thomas Visser
in cooperation with the UVM Bailey-Howe Library