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Dean's Message

Abu Rizvi

Students at UVM and in the Honors College seem to have a great interest in international learning opportunities. Students take courses in Global Studies, Community and International Development, and in a growing variety of languages, to mention just a few of their curricular choices. Many others study abroad, for a semester or a year, at some point in their last three years at the University. They might do so in the Belize and Oaxaca programs sponsored by UVM or in another university’s program. Students participate in the World Debate Institute, which is housed at UVM. Within the Honors College, students take courses on French intellectuals, the history of Islam, and world music. Students show increasing interest in the many academic avenues that give them entry into regions and cultures beyond the ones with which they might be most familiar. Partly to build on this interest, the University has also stepped up its efforts to attract students from abroad to UVM. Dean Rizvi's Message

Top News

Pianist Michael Arnowitt Visits the Honors College

Michael Arnowitt

On Thursday, November 4, the renowned pianist and composer, Michael Arnowitt, who - lucky for us! - just happens to live down the road in Montpelier, delivered a plenary lecture/recital to the Honors College first-year class (and others) on "Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring and the Music of 1911." Arnowitt’s wonderfully engaging lecture and his moving demonstration of pieces by Sergei Rachmaninov, Bela Bartok, Arnold Schoenberg, and finally Igor Stravinsky—in an absolutely virtuosic transcription of the Rite -explored the year 1911 as what he calls a "crossroads time between the old and the new." Michael Arnowitt Plenary

Green Mountain Chamber Players perform in University Heights North

Green Mountain Chamber Players

Before their October 15 evening performance, the Green Mountain Chamber Players stopped by University Heights North and put on an intimate concert for Honors College students. The group, which was made up of four faculty members from the Green Mountain Chamber Music Festival, consisted of Festival Director Kevin Lawrence (violin), David Russell (violin), Sheila Browne (viola), and Brooks Whitehouse (cello). During their performance, the quartet also gave a short lecture on the music they chose to present to the audience. Green Mountain Chamber Players visit HC

Herbick '11 Published in Solutions Journal

Marian Herbick

Honors College Senior Marian Herbick co-authored an article that was published in The Solutions Journal on October 7. The article, which she wrote with Middlebury Associate Professor Jon Isham, discussed the opposition that many renewable energy projects face, and points to using policy making tools that have stemmed from deliberative democracy to stop project opposition groups from impeding deliberations on renewable energy projects. Deliberative democracy, the two argue, polls citizens on issues by picking a sample population and then taking the time to allow the sample population to become educated on the issue and discuss policy ramifications with their fellow citizens. This, Herbick and Isham believe, would enable policy-makers to get a better understanding of what an educated public believes should happen in regards to using and developing renewable energy resources. Read Herbick’s article here:"The Promise of Deliverative Democracy"

Spotlight on

Recap: The Honors College Alumni Career Panel

October 2010 Homecoming Weekend

Six recently graduated Honors College alums returned to campus on October 2 to share their experiences of how the Honors College prepared them for the working world, as well as how UVM prepared them to pursue their chosen careers. If you weren't able to make it back to campus for the event, you can catch everything you missed on this five part video we've provided below. A special thanks to Matt Brown '09, Maddy Murphy-Hall '10, Stephanie Fakharzadeh '09, Mike Lahey '09, Laura (Vogric) Siebecker '08, and Jawann Swislow '09 for their participation.Alumni Update

End of Semester Events in the Honors College

Fall 2010

The time after Thanksgiving and before winter break is a whirlwind of academic activity as students rush to finish final projects, put the finishing touches on their last papers, and prepare for their final exams. To help you keep track of all the activity, a calendar of events has been provided. End of Fall 2010 Semester