Deforestation Exacerbates Risk of Malaria for Most-vulnerable Children

a mosquito feeding on a human blood meal

Malaria kills more than 600,000 people each year worldwide, and two thirds are children under age five in sub-Saharan Africa. Scientists have found a treatment that could prevent thousands of these deaths: trees. New research conducted at the University of Vermont (UVM) and published today in the journal ...

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A photo of a snowboarder carving through snowy Vermont woods.

How Will Climate Change Impact Snow Sports?

With ski resorts set to open across the U.S., skiers and snowboarders—and the entire winter sports industry—are turning their attention to the snow forecast.

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greenland tundra and mountains

Greenland Melted Recently, Shows Higher Risk of Sea Level Rise

A large portion of Greenland was an ice-free tundra landscape—perhaps covered by trees and roaming woolly mammoths—in the recent geologic past, new UVM-led research shows. This indicates that the ice sheet on Greenland may be more sensitive to human-caused climate change than previously understood—and will be vulnerable to irreversible, rapid melting in coming centuries.

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