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STAFFLINE: A Publication of the UVM Staff Council                                             April 5, 2018

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A Note from Staff Council President Karmen Swim

As you already have seen, there were two recent announcements from HRDMA and I will take an opportunity in this Staffline to share history as it relates to Staff Council’s role.

However, first and foremost, I have exciting news to share.  I am so pleased to announce that Staff Council recently received the official “enthusiastic endorsement” from President Tom Sullivan of a new Staff Council Professional Development Scholarship Fund, along with a very generous $10,000 contribution to pilot the program for one year.  This program provides supplemental funds (matched by departments) for staff who are interested in professional development opportunities that do not exist here at UVM to further their skills in their current positions.  Staff Council will now begin the work of finalizing the program, application process and how the funds will be distributed, along with creating a timeline for implementation.  A thank you to President Sullivan for sharing Staff Council’s vision and believing that this fund “will be an excellent resource for staff members to further develop professionally as employees at the University of Vermont.”  I want to share a quote from his memo to the Staff Council, “Thank you for your important leadership and creativity and, most importantly, your sustained advocacy for our exceptional staff at the University of Vermont.” Continue reading...

Upcoming Staff Council Meeting

The next Staff Council meeting will take place on  Tuesday May 1st, 12:05-1:30pm in Waterman's Memorial Lounge.

The agenda will be available on Staff Council's website a week prior to the meeting.

Information from Staff Council:

Become a Staff Council Representative! Apply by Monday April 9, 2018

It's the season for Staff Council Elections! Being on Staff Council lets you make your voice heard and is a chance to work toward real change to improve our  community. Among Staff Council's accomplishments are unlimited sick leave accrual, paid personal days, the staff dental plan, nursing mother stations, and the Staff Emergency Loan Fund. If you're interested in working on behalf of staff toward our next big achievement, consider applying to be a representative!

There are many personal and professional benefits of service such as improved leadership skills, collaboration skills, writing and organizational skills, and the opportunity to meet and work together with colleagues from all across the university community.

This spring, the Council is seeking nominations for new representatives in the following areas:

    College of Arts & Sciences
    College of Education & Social Services
    Enterprise Technology Services
    Enrollment Management
    HRDMA (Diversity or Professional Development)
    Larner College of Medicine
    University Event Services
    University Relations and Administration

We hope you'll consider applying for service. The nomination form is available to download at the link above, along with information about time commitments and your duties as Staff Council Representative.

Let the Staff Council Office know if you have any questions about the application process or if you'd like more information about joining Staff Council.

Staff Council Officer Elections are Approaching: Apply by April 6, 2018

In May 2018, Staff Council will elect a new President and Vice President. New officers are elected every two years for a two-year term of service. Officers advocate for staff, guide meetings, advance Staff Council's ideas and proposals, and help to make UVM a great working environment for all. This is an exceptional opportunity to serve in a unique leadership role.

To be eligible to serve as a Staff Council Officer, you must have a record of at least six months of service with Staff Council within the past six years. If you are eligible, you have already received notification via email in mid-March. If you're not sure whether you are eligible, or you have other questions, you can get in touch with the Staff Council Office.

Our website and the nomination form contain details about the roles of President and Vice President. Please contact us if you would like to discuss these roles in more detail.

Announcements and Events from the LGBTQA Center

photo descriptionThird Annual Exhibit & Reception:  The Pink Triangle: LGBTQ People and the Holocaust

In recognition of Holocaust Remembrance Week, the LGBTQA Center and UVM Hillel warmly invite all staff to join us for a student researched and curated exhibit exploring the lives and experiences of LGBTQ people during the Holocaust.  New additions to the research help expand the exhibit’s content each year. 

The reception will take place 11:30 – 1:30, Tuesday April 10th,  at the UVM Interfaith Center (400 South Prospect Street). Come and go as you are able. There will be brief remarks  at 12:00.  Catering by Vermont Kosher. 

LGBTQA Center Seeks Input on Renaming Process

Please join the LGBTQA Center staff at a community forum during the month of April to discuss a name change for the LGBTQA Center. Everyone is welcome at these sessions (students, staff, alumni and community members). 

There will be four forums - April 13th, April 17th, April 19th and April 27th.  Click here for locations and times.

If you can't make it to a forum, you can share feedback on the Center's renaming survey.

LGBTQAwards & Rainbow Graduation Ceremony

You're invited to the LGBTQA Center's annual awards and graduation ceremony to celebrate UVM's LGBTQA community, its many achievements, and the LGBTQA students who are graduating - both undergrads and grads.

If you plan to attend this event, please RSVP online at go.uvm.edu/rainbowgrad. In past years this event has reached capacity and so we recommend reserving your seat as soon as you are able.  Graduates participating in the ceremony must register and submit a photo by Friday, April 20th. 

If you know a student, faculty, or staff member that you think should be recognized for important contributions they have made to UVM's LGBTQA community, nominate them for an award by April 6th. Descriptions of the awards and the nomination form are online at the Rainbow Graduation RSVP and Nomination.

TEAM UVM at the VT Corporate Cup - Thurs, May 17th at 6pm. Form your teams and let Staff Council know!

photo descriptionThis annual 5K (walkers or runners) puts forth multiple teams from businesses and organizations all throughout the state! Once you form your team of three that are all walkers or runners register online at www.vcccsar.org and let Staff Council know that you registered. You will score a TEAM UVM tech shirt, a swag bag, and an opportunity a chance to win a FITBIT*. Don't have a team of 3? No problem, we provide a match service and help to try to form a team so you can participant.

For more information and the info on how this works, click here.

Staff Council News :



  • UVM Employee Wellness - Did You Know? Chiropractic services are now available ON CAMPUS - two locations, two different days of the week. To learn more get the details here.
  • Save-The-Date for the Vermont Corporate Cup - Thursday, May 17, 2018. Let Staff Council know you're participating and score a TEAM UVM workout shirt and chance to win a FITBIT (prize taxes are covered)! We can also help match you with a team if you don't have 3. More details here.
  • The UVM Wellness Environment's 4.20 5K for Wellness is a cost-free and substance-free 5K fun run/walk that is open to all UVM and Vermont community members. The third-annual installment of the race will take place at 4:20pm on Friday, April 20, 2018.  NEW for 2018, the post-race event will include FREE bites from many of Vermont's favorite local food trucks, music, giveaways, games and more!
  • UVM Bookstore Spring Patio Sale - Wednesday, April 11th! Bargain prices on t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, books, gift items and more!

Other Announcements:

More news >>

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Email: Staff.Council@uvm.edu or call the Staff Council Office at 802-656-4493
Staff Council Office
85 So. Prospect Street
313 Waterman Building
Burlington, VT 05405

M -TH 8am - 3:30pm
F 9am - 1pm

Staff Council - Serving as a voice and advocate for all staff at UVM since 1971