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STAFFLINE: A Publication of the UVM Staff Council                                             January 8, 2018

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A Note from President Tom Sullivan

Greetings, and welcome back from what I hope was a restful and rejuvenating holiday break!

The fall semester was busy and fruitful. Throughout I witnessed firsthand the dedication of our stellar staff to our students and our educational mission here at UVM. I am continually impressed by your professionalism and grateful for the many ways in which you make our University operations hum. I appreciate standing at this threshold of a new semester knowing that the support and excellence you provide to the entire UVM community is strong and solid. Thank you.

The first official day of this spring semester is also the kickoff of our annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration, Education, and Learning Events series. Starting January 16 and running through January 25, events across campus will celebrate, honor, and continue Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy of building a beloved and just community.

We are excited to welcome BET News host and CNN political contributor Dr. Marc Lamont Hill as the MLK Celebration keynote speaker on Tuesday, January 23, at Ira Allen Chapel. The Steve Charles Professor of Media, Cities, and Solutions at Temple University and an award-winning journalist, Dr. Hill has authored four books, including the New York Times bestselling Nobody: Casualties of America's War on the Vulnerable,from Ferguson to Flint and Beyond. He has been named one of America’s 100 most influential Black leaders by Ebony Magazine. I hope you will join us for Dr. Hill’s keynote and other events throughout the week. 

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Upcoming Staff Council Meeting

The next Staff Council meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 9th, 12:05-1:30pm in Waterman's Memorial Lounge. The Council's primary topic at this meeting will be discussion of the incentive-based budget model to formulate suggestions for the IBB 2.0 Steering Committee. Click here for a copy of the agenda.

Information from Staff Council:

New Year, New Changes to UVM's Flex Spending Plan!

As you may already know, there have been some significant changes to the procedures in UVM's Flex Spending medical benefit. As of January 1st, 2018, those who have signed up for a flexible spending account will now have a more convenient way to make qualified purchases – a VISA debit card. This debit card comes with some unique features and requirements, so please make sure to review the information available for more details and to ensure you use the card properly. (For those that prefer the traditional method, you have the option to continue to submit paper claims for reimbursement as you have in the past.)

We hope this debit card will make your life easier and flexible spending a more attractive employee benefit. Greg Paradiso, Benefits, Compensation & HRIS Director, shares the following resources for getting started with the card system: 

You can also visit HRDMA's webpage to learn about the Flex Spending benefit, or email Greg with questions.

Thank You For Your Contributions to the Holiday Bazaar!

photo descriptionStaff Council, the Social Committee and the Staff Council Office are incredibly grateful to all who made this year's Holiday Bazaar a wonderful success. Thank you so much for volunteering, donating baked goods, helping vendors move in and out, and everything else that it takes to put together this event. Thanks to your efforts we also raised nearly 300 pounds of food for donation to the Chittenden Food Shelf!

All raffle winners have been notified via email, but you can also click here to see if you're a winner. Remember to pick your prizes up at Waterman 313 before January 15th.

We'll see you at next year's Holiday Bazaar and in the meantime, if you have thoughts or feedback about this year's event or suggestions for future events, send us a note at Staff.Council@uvm.edu.

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Staff Council Office
85 So. Prospect Street
313 Waterman Building
Burlington, VT 05405

M -TH 8am - 3:30pm
F 9am - 1pm

Staff Council - Serving as a voice and advocate for all staff at UVM since 1971