The Final Exam is scheduled for Friday, December 17, 2004. It will be held from 4:00 p.m. -- 7:00 p.m. in B106 Angell. This exam will cover the material in Chapters 1- 14 (except for the sections specifically excluded in the syllabus) of your textbook and the related homework assignments and lecture materials.

This exam is comprehensive, however somewhere in the range of 40% to 50% of the questions will cover the new material since exam 3 (Vibrations, Waves and Sound, Gravitation)

The format of the exam will be similar to that of each of the hour exams, except that final exam will be approximately twice as long as the hour exams were.

If you must miss the exam for any reason, notify Dr. Sanders in advance!

The important major topics to understand are:

Here is the formula sheet that will be provided with the exam.

Here is a copy of the 3rd exam (and answer key) given to last year's CE version of physics 11. It covers the new material that we learned, but it is not comprehensive. The other practice exams (and real exams) that we have had earlier in the semester are good examples of the kinds of questions that will be asked on the final exam.