Vermont Barn Census

Chittenden County Student Research Project - 2010


Survey Map

Historic Maps



VT Barn Census


Essex, Vermont

"Taken in general, the soil is rich and productive, with scarcely an acre the cannot be cultivated, and the greater portion of the township is admirably adapted to grazing purposes, and hence the farmer's attention is principally devoted to this branch of husbandry, causing large quantities of butter and cheese to be exported each season, forming the principle article of commerce."--Hamilton Child on Essex in his Gazetteer and Business Directory of Chittenden County, Vermont, for 1882-83


Image © Constance Kent

Produced for a HP 206 Researching Historic Structures and Sites class project by graduate students in the University of Vermont Historic Preservation Program.

Funding support for the Vermont Barn Census project has been provided in part by a Preserve America grant through the National Park Service to the State of Vermont Division for Historic Preservation.