Central District School, 1844
The rectangular, one story wood
schoolhouse was built in 1844. The building is a vernacular structure
with little architectural detailing. The foundation is made out of
stone, and the gable roof is covered with wood shingles. The exterior walls
are covered with wood clapboard and the roof has wooden shingles.
A small square shaped addition was placed on the gable end elevation (main
facade.) The vestibule is smaller both in width and height as compared
with the main structure and is placed flushed with the wall on the right
side of the building. The vestibule date is not known. The
cornice on the main building has
carved return ends, but in the addition the details are far simpler.
On the front wall of the foyer,
a small four-paneled door is placed towards the left side. The foyer area
has one nine-over-six window on each side.
The main block has four
evenly spaced, twelve over twelve windows at each side. All of the
windows have simple and narrow wood surrounds and are placed just below
the roofline. The back and front elevation have no windows.
On the back elevation there are two wooden doors with simple wood moldings
around them. On the roof, towards the end of the building, is a small
brick chimney just slightly off center.