Research in Microbial Geochemistry at UVM

Research in our lab is divided into 3 main areas:

Sulfur and iron cycling - detailed redox geochemistry and role of microorganisms on S and Fe cycling

Nutrient mobility - P and N speciation/sorption controlled by redox processes in freshwater lake systems

Medical Geochemistry/Mineralogy - Mineral reactivity in lung fluids through theoretical modeling and in vitro studies

This research is complimented by the development and application of new methods for analyzing redox chemistry and nanoparticulate materials associated with microbial activity.  The application of in situ redox sensors and new techniques for chromatographic identification and quantification of redox species, molecular clusters, and nanoparticles is also of particular interest. 

Current Research Projects
Elemental sulfur size as a primary control on sulfur cycling reactions and microbial sulfur cycling
Iron-sulfur molecular cluster (FeS(aq)) and its role in FeS mineral formation/dissolution and iron isotope fractionation
Detailed sulfur redox speciation linked to microbial sulfur metabolisms at small scales
Redox dynamics and phosphrous cycling in Lake Champlain
Measuring redox-dependent P flux terms in freshwater lake sediments
Handheld XRF analyses in geological/environmental matrices
Mineralization associated with P immobilization in EAF Slag filter materials
Health effects of mineral dusts: reaction mechanisms of asbestos materials and the vectors of disease