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possessive adjectives and pronouns (aggettivi e pronomi possessivi)

In Italian you may indicate possession:
1. with the preposition di
2. with possessive adjectives or pronouns

Conveniently, possessive adjectives and pronouns look the same, so you only have to learn one set; adjectives, of course, go with a noun and, like in English, precede it; pronouns replace the noun. Both adjectives and pronouns must agree in gender and number with the noun they modify or replace.


Unlike their English equivalents, Italian possessives accept the article; possessive adjectives, however, reject the article when they refer to unmodified family members in the singular. If the family member is plural or preceder by another adjective or suffix, it retains the article; mamma, papà, nonno, and nonna can go with or without an article:

Mia sorella é bella / Le mie sorelle sono belle
Mio zio é vecchio / I miei zii sono vecchi
Mia madre ha 50 anni / La mia cara madre ha 50 anni
Mi manca mia nonna / Mi manca la mia nonna

risparmiare=to save

ammalarsi=to fall sick


La mia casa è bianca, la tua è grigia (My house is white, yours is grey).

I nostri bambini sono studiosi, i vostri non studiano mai (Our children are studious, yours never study).

Tua madre è simpatica, la mia ha pochi amici (Your mother is nice, mine has few friends).

Ieri sono andata al matrimonio di un mio amico (Yesterday I went to the wendding of a friends of mine).


1. possessivi

2. possessivi con termini di parentela

3. possessivi e articoli ("L'ultima mela")

When they refer to family members in the singular, possessive adjectives refuse the article: mia sorella, mio fratello, tua madre, vostro padre, nostro zio, ecc., but: le mie sorelle, i miei fratelli, i vostri padre, le nostre madri, i nostri zii...

Exceptions to the exception:
--loro always uses the article
--if the family member is modified by another adject or a suffix, then the article is used
--with papà, mamma, babbo, nonno, and nonna the use of the article is optional