Load Software The VACC uses package managers, modules, and containers to load the software you need. You control what software is available...
Open OnDemand (OOD) Open OnDemand (OOD) is a web interface to the VACC clusters. Based on the Open OnDemand portal created by the...
Using a Virtual Environment with Jupyter Notebook The VACC Open OnDemand instance offers several choices of Python to choose from. The Anaconda distribution(s) with over 250 installed...
Using a Virtual Environment with JupyterLab The VACC Open OnDemand instance offers several choices of Python to choose from. The Anaconda distribution(s) with over 250 installed...
Install/Uninstall Anaconda On this page are basic instructions for downloading, installing and uninstalling Anaconda in your personal directory. However, please note that...