Evan Haley

Assistant Director for Community Standards

Evan (he/him) accepted the Assistant Director position in June of 2022. He has been a member of the Center for Student Conduct since October 2020 serving as a Graduate Assistant with the Higher Education and Student Affairs Master of Education program at UVM. Prior to that he attended UVM as an undergraduate student, graduating in 2019 with Majors in European History and German Language and Literature. In addition to serving as a conduct meeting facilitator, Evan coordinates the office’s assessment and data gathering efforts. As a UVM alumnx who was born in Vermont, Evan greatly values working with UVM students.


  • M.Ed.; Higher Education and Student Affairs, The University of Vermont (Anticipated May, 2022)
  • B.A.; European History, German Language and Literature, The University of Vemont


  • 802.656.4360
Office Location:

Nicholson House, 41 South Prospect Street

Office Hours:

10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Evan Haley | Center for Student Conduct | The University of Vermont


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