File Information

Inventory of moderate and intensive timber clearings detected via remote sensing in New Hampshire between 2000 and 2018 (Version 1.1)

File Title
Inventory of moderate and intensive timber clearings detected via remote sensing in New Hampshire between 2000 and 2018 (Version 1.1)
File Type
A technical report by the FEMC in which we evaluate (1) the number, timing, and size of moderate (>20ft2/ac residual basal area) and intensive (<20ft2/ac residual basal area) timber clearings (>3 ac in size) in NH between 2000 and 2018 detected via remote sensing, (2) the proportion of those clearings determined to be intensive (i.e., clearcuts), and (3) the likely post-harvest outcome (i.e., silviculture or land use conversion).
Emma Tait, Alexandra Kosiba, James Duncan
Full author list
Emma Tait, Alexandra Kosiba, James Duncan,
Date created
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