Who is a Mandatory Reporter?
If you are a University employee with significant responsibility for student and campus activities, it is likely that you are a mandatory reporter or "UVM Reporter" under UVM policies prohibiting discrimination, harassment and sexual misconduct. If you are a UVM Reporter, follow the steps below to meet your reporting obligations in the event a student or colleague discloses sexual harassment or misconduct, or other forms of prohibited discrimination and harassment. UVM Reporter obligations for this topic and other reporting responsibilities are detailed in the Designation and Responsibilities of UVM Reporters policy.
If you are unsure whether you are a mandatory reporter, contact the campus Clery Act Coordinator, Kelly Riel at (802) 656-3052 or kriel@uvm.edu,or the Title IX Coordinator, Emily McCarthy, at (802) 656-3368 or emily.mccarthy@uvm.edu.
Mandatory reporters may include, but are not limited to:
- Student Affairs and Residential Life staff;
- All full and part-time Faculty, including Chairs, Deans and Directors
- Athletics Administrators and Team Coaches;
- Advisors to Recognized Student Organizations;
- Supervisors of Student Employees;
- Staff responsible for other types of educational programming sponsored by the University (e.g. camps and conferences, Extension outreach).
- And employees who have the authority to take action to redress sexual violence, if you have been given the duty of reporting incidents of sexual violence or any other misconduct by students, or are someone for whom a student could reasonably believe has this authority or duty.
What are Mandatory Reporters required to do?
Always call 911 immediately if a crime or other emergency is in progress, or if at any time there is an imminent or continuing threat of harm to persons or property.
If the alleged conduct involves sexual assault, sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, relationship violence, or gender-based stalking, email the University's Title IX Coordinator at TitleIX@uvm.edu and provide the following information to facilitate appropriate support and institutional response: Name(s) of the Reporting Party, Victim/Survivor, Alleged Perpetrator, and Witnesses, if known; Location of the Incident; and Nature of the Incident. Individuals may also report sexual misconduct and other concerning conduct through UVM's reporting portal.
When the reported conduct could be a crime that occurred on or near campus property, complete and promptly submit an electronic crime statistic report by using the Campus Security Authority (CSA) Information Portal to ensure accurate and complete statistical reporting of campus crime in the University's Annual Security Report. Do NOT include the name of the alleged victim(s) unless:
- Disclosure is required by law (e.g. abuse or neglect of minors; vulnerable adults)
- The incident presents an “imminent or continuing threat of harm;"
- The incident constitutes stalking or domestic (incl. dating) violence; or
- You are given permission to do so by the alleged victim.
Refer reporting individuals to additional campus resources, as appropriate, such as: HOPE Works Confidential Advocacy (802-863-1236), Counseling and Psychiatry Services (802-656-3340), Student Health Services (802-656-3350), or UVM's Employee Assistance Program (866-660-9533).
Reporting Discrimination and Harassment
If you are a mandatory reporter, UVM Policy requires you to share any disclosures of discrimination and harassment based on race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, or gender identity or expression with the UVM Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity.
- Always call 911 immediately if a crime or other emergency is in progress, or if at any time there is an imminent or continuing threat of harm to persons or property.
- If the alleged conduct involves discrimination or harassment in violation of UVM policy, or if you would like to report a bias incident, please complete the online bias, discrimination, and harassment incident form. Please include Name(s) of the Reporting Party, Victim/Survivor, Alleged Perpetrator, and Witnesses, if known; Location of the Incident(s); and Nature of the Incident(s).
- When the reported conduct could be a crime that occurred on or near campus property, complete and promptly submit an electronic crime statistic report by using the CSA Information Portal to ensure accurate and complete statistical reporting of campus crime in the University's Annual Security Report. Do NOT include the name of the alleged victim(s) or complainant(s) unless:
- Disclosure is required by law (e.g. abuse or neglect of minors; vulnerable adults)
- The incident presents an “imminent or continuing threat of harm”;
- The incident constitutes stalking or domestic (incl. dating) violence; or
- You are given permission to do so by the reported victim or complainant.
- Refer reporting individuals to additional campus resources, as appropriate, such as: Counseling and Psychiatry Services (802-656-3340), Student Health Services (802-656-3350), or UVM's Employee Assistance Program (866-660-9533).
Reporting other crimes
The mandatory reporting information described above is intentionally specific to sexual misconduct, discrimination, and harassment. However, mandatory reporters are required to report other types of crimes as well. If you are looking for information about reporting requirements for other types of crimes, visit the CSA Information Portal.