Create an Event

These are the steps to create an event, how to set an organizer, create an RSVP/ticket so people can register, etc.
Fields to pay attention to:

  1. Title
  2. Description goes in the main text box. Be sure to add the facilitator within the description e.g. “Facilitated by Susanmarie Harrington”
  3. Excerpt (what people see before they click “read more”)
  4. Date and Time
  5. Location
  6. Un-click “Map” and “Map Link”
  7. Choose an Organizer who is the contact person. If they aren’t on the list just type in their name, hit enter, and click the pencil “edit” icon so you can enter their email info.
  8. Event website URL will normally remain blank unless there is a special page about the event
  9. To make sure people can register, under Tickets, choose “+ New RSVP” and type in “Registration” and enter a maximum capacity or leave blank for unlimited. Click SAVE.
  10. Everything below tickets can be ignored
  11. Click Publish!