New pathways to sustainability in agroecological systems.

Salvador, R.J. & V.E.Méndez (Guest Editors) | September 10, 2015 |

Elementa: science of the Anthropocene, Sustainability Transitions Domain [Open Access].

New pathways to sustainability in agroecological systems

Salvador, R.J. & V.E.Méndez (Guest Editors) |

Elementa Special Forum. Elementa: science of the anthropocene 3: in progress

Shade tree diversity, carbon sequestration, and epiphyte presence in coffee agroecosystems: a decade of smallholder management in San Ramón, Nicaragua

Goodall, K.E., C.M. Bacon & V.E. Méndez | Download Attachment

Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 199:200-206

Vermont agricultural resilience in a changing climate: A transdisciplinary and participatory action research (PAR) process

Schattman, R., V.E. Méndez, K. Westdjik, M. Caswell, D. Conner, C. Koliba, A. Zia, S. Hurley, C. Adair, L. Berlin and H. Darby | Download Attachment

pp. 325-346. In N. Benkeblia (Ed.) Agroecology, ecosystems, and sustainability. CRC Press/Taylor and Francis: Boca Raton, FL.

Exlusion nettting for managing spotted wing Drosophila on berry farms in the Northeastern United States.

Schattman, R., V. Izzo, Y.H. Chen | Download Attachment

ARLG Research Brief # 3. Agroecology and Rural Livelihoods Group (ARLG), University of Vermont: Burlington, VT.

Farmer’s engagement with community food insecurity: approaches, perspectives and implications for Extension

Schattman, R., L. Berlin, F.F. Bochner, & M. Lawrence |

Journal of Extension 53 (4): 4FEA2.