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Labor Readiness Assessment

We have completed a cash flow projection for the coming season
We have calculated the full cost of the employees we want to hire
We have considered the ways that hiring employees will change our roles on the farm
We have current job descriptions for everyone who works on the farm
We have developed a timeline and materials (ad copy, application forms, etc.) to recruit for the positions we want to hire
We have a process and criteria for screening applications
We have an interview process, a set of interview questions, and criteria for evaluating applicants
We understand the legal requirements of being an employer
We use a standard orientation process to introduce new employees to the farm, our policies, our expectations & safety procedures
We have an up-to-date farm personnel policy manual, which is given to and signed by every employee
We annually review farm policies, expectations & safety procedures with all supervisors & employees
We have a clear system for assigning tasks and monitoring completion
We periodically provide feedback to employees and seek their input
We collect, process and securely store employee timesheets and other records
We have record-keeping systems for tracking performance related to incentives
We have identified a person who has responsibility for handling payroll, taxes, workers comp and related paperwork and payments
We have qualified advisors for tax, insurance and regulatory and financial aspects of being an employer
We have a formal performance review process for all employees
We have a process for performance improvement and termination, including documenting problems and efforts to resolve them
We have a process for soliciting feedback from departing employees
We offer incentives to encourage workers to return the following season
We make sure every employee has a supervisor to report to